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Monday, December 20, 2004

5 hour holiday shopping spree

Before.....Shopping as a couple

Traffic jam and looking for car park - (1/2 hour or more)
Queue up to collect movie tickets - (1/2 hour)
Watch movie - (1 1/2 hours)
Leisurely meal - (1 hour)
Window shopping & buying ;-) - (1 hour)
Traffic jam getting out of car park - (1/2 hour)
Total - (5 hours)

Now.......Shopping with a baby and a toddler

Traffic jam and looking for car park - (1/2 hour or more)
Queue up to collect balloon - (15 minutes)
Head straight towards shopping for necessities - (1 hour)
Queue up to shake hands with Santa Clause - (45 minutes)
Feed hungry toddler some snacks - (15 minutes)
Hang around shopping complex lobby waiting for artificial "snow" to fall - (45 minutes)
Traffic jam getting out of car park - (1/2 hour)
Total - (4 hours; less recommended to keep babies happy)

Wow. Life has changed quite a bit with the kids....accept for the traffic jam.

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