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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Merry-Go-Round Ride

The kids wanted to have a go at the Merry-Go-Round at IOI Mall recently. Its RM2 per kid per ride. This was how it went.

First Round

Yeah Yippeee Wheeee Hahahahahahahaha

Second Round

Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahah

Third Round

Its too fast. I don't want adi. I don't want adi.

Fourth Round

I don't want! I don't want! Waaaaaahhhh! (Its ok. Don't worry. You won't fall off. See? You can hold on to the pole and theres a seatbelt too.)

Fifth Round

Sob. Sob.

Sixth Round


End of Ride

And would they want another ride the next time. You betcha!!

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