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Friday, February 29, 2008

Action speaks louder than words

My Girl: Mummy, I don't like school anymore. Its boring. They always teach the same thing. Always ejaan or spelling.

MG: Oh, like that ah? Like that no need to go to school anymore loh? (*teasing*)

My Girl: Mummy, I think I want to go to school lah (serious)

In another incident.....

Mr MG: She's vomitting. Tomorrow better not let her go to school.

My Girl: Daddy, I think I no more vomittting already. Tomorrow I can go to school.

I only wish this eagerness to go to school will continue through "big school".

The first term school holidays is approaching. How fast time flies. First term is almost over. As we were looking at the calander and the holiday dates together.....

My Girl: Mummy, look, November and December so many holidays. So nice one?

MG: Yah, that also means the end of kindy. After that you go to big school.

My Girl: Oh. *face fell as realisation sets in*

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