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Monday, March 08, 2010

What do you feed your child?

Someone asked me what I serve for Breakfast for my kids. That makes me feel a little bit guilty. Despite having a live-in helper at home, all I can manage for breakfast for the kids each day is a piece of toast and a glass of milk. That is it. They have the same breakfast everyday. The toast may vary from strawberry jam, peanut butter jam or garlic bread but that is it. They eat the same breakfast everyday unless I run out of bread and then we resort to a few pieces of biscuit or a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk. :P

I don't know how others do it. I look at the other mothers who do a lovely bento meal for their child with envy. I cannot manage to do it. As it is, we have to get up at 6am to get ready for school. The kids do not have a very good appetite so early in the morning so they don't complain about their piece of toast.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal and kids should eat a balanced diet so I do feel guilty about my piece of toast. :P

Breakfast during school holidays is better since we get to wake up late. We can have french toast or scrambled eggs with sausages or pancakes then apart from our usual toast.

My girl has a catered meal at school. They have a 15 minute break and often have to "fight" to queue to buy food with the older kids. By the time they have finished buying their food, breaktime is almost over. Having catered food, solves this problem for my slow eater. At the same time, it also ensures that she has a more balanced meal. Otherwise, she may buy nuggets and chips everyday!

The canteen operator serves them the same food on Mondays, Tuesdays etc. They have fried noodles one day, nasi lemak another day, the favoured nuggets and chips plus orange juice one day, a boiled egg with sausages one day and a fried rice on another day. That is five days in all. Five different menus repeated each week. On the days when she has the boiled egg, she brings it home for me to make egg sandwiches for tea which she prefers to eating straight. :) For drinks they have soya bean, chrysanthemum, barley etc. All of these food and drinks, she would not take if she were with me. This ensures that she learns to take all kinds of food and drinks.

For lunch, this lazy mummy, rotates, fish porridge, fried rice, noddles soup, spaghetti or fried meehoon and chicken porridge. It is usually a one-dish meal.

Dinner is more elaborate with soup, a meat dish, a vegetable dish and either tofu or eggs and fresh fruits for dessert, since the man is eating with us.

The kids like to have tea and supper too. That is usually biscuits and milo or milk.

That is it. That is all that I can manage. Even though I am a stay at home mum with a live in helper. That is all that I can manage. My sister can manage all sorts of local kuihs and delicacies, homemade breads and cakes, including noodles and laksa and nasi lemak etc for breakfast and tea for her family and lunch is as elaborate as dinner with several dishes and not a one dish meal like mine. She "trains" her maid to help her with it. I find that even "training" someone to do it requires effort so I don't. My meals are very simple and usually repeated to keep it even more simple.

What do you feed your kids?

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