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Friday, September 27, 2013

Mooncake Festival 2013

This post is rather late because I have been preoccupied with other things. This year Mooncake Festival fell on a Thursday night. The kids have a holiday on Friday so it was just right. They could stay up to play lanterns. 
Mooncake Festival 2013

As usual, we used our recycled lanterns. Now that they are older, they are more interested in playing with fire candles. 

Bird Lantern

They still have two lanterns each, recycled from 2-3 years ago. A classic fish, a bird and a butterfly lantern plus a Ben 10 lantern for my boy.  The boy is also slowly outgrowing his Ben 10 lantern. Time sure flies.

Mooncake Festival

This year the fish caught fire so I guess we will have one less lantern to recycle next year.

Butterfly Lantern

After we're done playing with candles, the kids will have a shower and then everyone will have mooncake for supper before we go to bed.


This year is was rather cloudy, so we only got to see blurry images of the full moon.

Full Moon

My husband said that the kids are getting too old for this but I think otherwise. You are never too old to play with lanterns and candles and to prove my point, sure enough, a courting couple soon passed by and they too sat down and played with candles. :)

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