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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

UPSR 2014 Statistics

I hope that the UPSR 2014 fiasco of leaked papers will serve as a lesson to all and a turning point from chasing As. I sincerely hope so. In any case UPSR 2014 will no longer be the year where the number of As become the main statistics everyone looks at. That is because even before the exams are complete, we see a number of new UPSR statistics never seen before.

UPSR 2014 Statistics.

  • 30 Days Stretch - Longest UPSR from 9 Sept to 9 Oct. The exam was originally set for 9-11 Sept. With the postponement and resits scheduled for 30 Sept and 9 Oct 2014, UPSR 2014 now stretches from 9 Sept to 9 Oct.
  • 6 Papers Leaked. Biggest number of leaks publicized which includes Math, Science, English Paper 1, English Paper 2, Tamil Paper 1 and Tamil Paper 2. 6 in all.
  • 5 Days of Examinations - From the Original 9, 10, 11 Sept, the exams are now 9,10,11,30 Sept plus 9 Oct.
  • 14 People Arrested - over UPSR leaks.
  • 1 Postponement due to leak - Science Paper
  • 5 Papers To Resit - English 1 &  2, Tamil 1 & 2 and Math were declared void 
  • 473,175 candidates affected by the leaks not to mention the pairs of parents and teachers of those students
  • 29 Days To Hurrah - The 12 year olds have to wait an extra 29 days before exams are finally over
This has been the strangest UPSR year yet. Unfortunately my kid is caught up in it. 

My second child will face the first post KSSR, UPSR. I wonder what is in store for him? Let's hope a lesson is learned from this.

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