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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Road Trip East Coast To West Coast Malaysia - From Dungun To Kuala Terengganu To Kota Bharu

Lorong Penyu

Continued from previous post: Turtle Watching at Kerteh, Terengganu

We still managed to wake up early for breakfast after our late night turtle watching. Naturally being in the East Coast, breakfast included nasi dagang. After breakfast we had a swim in the pool before checking out and continuing with our road journey.

This time we drove on to Kuala Terengganu for lunch. On the way to Kuala Terengganu, we stopped by Marang at the Pulau Kapas Jetty to watch the boats arriving and leaving for Kuala Kapas just for the fun of it.

When we arrived at Kuala Terengganu, we went to the Kuala Terengganu Waterfront and Kampung Cina or China town Kuala Terengganu to a restaurant called Madam Bee's Kitchen which served peranakan food. We had steamed keropok lekor, nasi lemak with nonya style curry chicken, bubur cha cha and mee jawa. 

Then we walked along a quaint narrow back street called Lorong Penyu or Turtle Alley. Turtle themed art and sayings can be found on the walls and floor of the alley. It was so delightful and charming. 

After lunch we continued our journey to Kota Bharu, Kelantan. All in all, on this 2nd day of our trip we travelled 4 hours covering a distance of 235 km.

Below is the map showing our drive from Tanjong Jara Resort, Dungun to Kuala Terengganu along the coastal road.

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