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Monday, June 20, 2016

Digital Creation Workshops At Crafty Minds Encourage Children To Think Out Of The Box

We often hear parents lament about kids not being able to think out of the box and having no creative outlet. They attend school, do a lot of homework and get sent from one enrichment class to another with no time for play and creativity. Sometimes parents send kids for enrichment classes because it is a better alternative then having the kids stay home with the maid watching television while they are at work.

So what if there is an enrichment programme that can harness your kids creativity, fulfill his need for play and at the same time develop his academic knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math (STEAM)? Wouldn't that be great?

Well, there is such a course available now at Crafty Minds, Sri Petaling. After school, parents can drop their kids to join any of the Digital Creation programmes for different age groups from 4 to 18 years old. Programmes are structured from beginner, intermediate to advance.

Kids and teens will learn to sketch, design and build 3 Dimensional action heroes, remote control cars, catapults, night lamps, hand-cranked animals etc. including movie making using their creations.

The workshops incorporates elements of
  • physics, 
  • math, 
  • robotics, 
  • engineering, 
  • team work, 
  • presentation skills 
Seeing an idea go from sketch to reality provides a holistic learning opportunity for kids. Lots of thinking out of the box and creativity required to complete the programmes.

At the workshops your kids will use the latest tech tools for their digital creation including a 3D Pen and a 3D Printer.

3D Pen

3D Printer

3D creation is new to many parents so do watch the videos to have a better idea of how these tools work.

Video: What is 3D Printing and how does it work?

Video: What is 3D Pen and how does it work?

Here are some past creations by students from the digital creation classes at Crafty Minds.

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