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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Importance Of Packing To School

As parents, we want to give the best for children to perform their best in school and in everything that they do. And providing the best nutrition for children will not only support them in their energy level to take on the day but it’s another way to let children know that parents care about them. One of the best ways to ensure that they have sufficient energy to focus in class is by packing to school!

Below are some of the questions asked by parents of our Facebook group - The Malaysia Primary School Parents On Facebook group during the first week of school.

Q: Hey there moms! What do you usually feed your kids for breakfast? My girl does not like to eat upon waking up and complains about tummy cramps if I give her anything to eat. Is it ok to send her school with empty stomach?

· Children lose energy during sleep and they require breakfast to replenish the energy lost the next day. Hence breakfast is very crucial.

· It is best to prepare your child with a complete and balanced breakfast before she heads off to school.

· Parents should also play a good role model and have breakfast with their children to cultivate good eating habits from a young age.

· School requires a lot from a growing child. Without breakfast, they will feel lethargic and won’t be able to concentrate in class. To get her to eat, you can create creative breakfast choices to entice children to eat their breakfast when it’s really early in the morning e.g. sunny side up egg with a smiley, sandwich shaped in their favourite characters.

· Opt for a delicious, familiar-tasting and nutritious malted beverage like MILO®. For a mother’s convenience, MILO® UHT can easily be packed into your child’s school bag for her to drink on the way to school

Q: Hi there. Would like to know what is usually packed in your kids lunch box. My son is in afternoon session and his break is from 3-3.20pm. He is entering standard 1.Besides bun, what else would be ideal to pack for him? Any suggestions are welcome. Tia.

In general, a balanced meal contains food from at least 3 out of 5 food groups:

o Whole grains: grains, breads, cereals
o Protein: beans, meat, eggs, nuts,
o Dairy & dairy products: milk , yogurt, cheese
o Fruits and/or
o vegetables

 The trick is to choose one with an appropriate mix of nutrients and calories. Choose one that contains carbohydrates for energy as well as protein, healthy fats and vitamins and minerals that fuel his body and brain

 For snacks, fruits, vegetables, crackers with a slice of cheese, peanut butter, plain high-fibre crackers or cereal bars and yogurt are ideal choices

 An ideal accompaniment to these snacks will be malted beverages. For busy parents who don’t have the time to prep too complicated lunchboxes, a malted beverage, such as MILO® UHT, in ready to drink formula makes a great compliment to sandwiches and high-fibre biscuits

 MILO® UHT contains a unique combination of PROTOMALT®, minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin B, specially blended to provide efficient release of energy from food to help your child take on a full day’s challenges. It also contains calcium to maintain stronger bones and teeth and vitamin C for increased absorption of iron from food

We are also happy to share the following recipes to help parents with packing to school. Here are 3 easy recipes for busy parents to try courtesy of Yan Diana a member of Kelab Bekal/Bento Malaysia.

Recipe 1 - Giraffe Chicken Sandwich 

  •  Cheese 
  •  Seaweed 
  •  Chicken strips 
  •  Baguette 
  •  Fruits - Guava, Orange 
  •  Mixed Nuts 

Recipe 2 - Japanese Scrambled Eggs Bento Box

  •  Cheese 
  •  Seaweed 
  •  Toasted Bread 
  •  Tomato 
  •  Baked beans 
  •  Scrambled eggs 

Recipe 3 - Rapunzel noodle box

  •  Cheese
  •  Seaweed
  •  Salad
  •  Fried Beehoon
  •  Scrambled Egg
  •  Cherry Tomatoes
Today with the internet at the tip of your fingers, recipe hunting is a lot easier! As you get more and more comfortable in preparing recess boxes for your children, you can also attempt to create your own recipe and even shape the ingredients according to their favourite cartoon characters!

With a convenient pack of MILO® UHT which can be easily packed into your child’s recess box or school bag, mothers can ensure that their child’s energy needs are fulfilled. MILO® contains Activ-Go™, a unique combination of PROTOMALT®, minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin B, specially blended to provide efficient release of energy from food to help them take on a full day’s challenges. It also contains calcium to maintain stronger bones and teeth and Vitamin C for increased absorption of iron from food.

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