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Monday, September 03, 2018

British Council Malaysia New Term Starts 22 - 23 September 2018

Hi there parents,

We have some news for parents who are looking for information on English language courses for kids at the British Council Malaysia. This post is about the new term starting soon and the courses available.

When is the new term at British Council Malaysia starting?

For those of you who are not familiar, the term at British Council starts in September. For the year 2018, the new term dates are 22 - 23 September 2018. The course duration are 2 hours per week for 10 weeks.

What courses are available for the new term?

The British Council’s courses introduce children to essential life skills such as  independence, team-working and problem solving while they learn to communicate confidently in English.  These skills are essential building blocks for the higher order thinking skills (HOTS) that young learners are expected to demonstrate throughout their school lives, through to university, and even in future jobs.  

The courses available for the new term staring in September 2018 include the following.

  1. Primary Plus course for students aged 5 - 11
  2. Upper Primary course for students aged 10 - 12
  3. Lower Secondary course for students aged 13 - 15
  4. Upper Secondary course for students aged 16 - 17
  5. Secondary Plus course for those interested in taking the iGCSE exam

What do the courses focus on?

1. The Primary Plus course for children aged 5 to 11 encourage children to use English confidently and fluently in an environment where they feel supported and motivated. These courses focus on continued development of foundational skills while introducing more challenging and creative tasks. Parents will receive weekly emails to update them on their children's progress. They can also support their children at home using the British Council online portal.

2. The Upper Primary course for children aged 10 to 12 help prepare children for Secondary learning with the introduction of  more academically-focused tasks, such as writing a review or giving a presentation. Students are given fun projects that are longer term in nature, such as creating a class newspaper, in order to develop their ability to concentrate and learn creatively.

3 & 4. The Secondary courses including the Lower Secondary course for students aged 13-15, and Upper Secondary course for those aged 16-17, lay the groundwork for higher education through the use of high-quality materials to offer students development of language and academic skills. Topics such as confidence, anti-bullying, and effective studying, are used to develop language skills within the given themes.

5. The Secondary Plus course is designed for students who are interested in taking the iGCSE exam, It combines the Secondary courses with iGCSE syllabus content to help students build the confidence and skills to prepare for the iGCSE exam. Exam-orientated tasks are given to nurture their ability to communicate confidently in both speaking and writing. (Note: The Secondary Plus course is available only at The Curve)

Where will the courses be held?

All the courses mentioned above will be held at all of British Council Malaysia's centers at Kuala Lumpur, The Curve and Penang. Below are the contact information for the centers.

How do I register for the courses?

Your child will need to sit for a placement test to determine the most suitable course for them. You can visit the British Council Malaysia website for further details or to book for a placement test online.

This post was brought to you by the British Council Malaysia.

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