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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Controlling Nearsightedness

In this digital age, many of us are heavy users of digital devices in our daily life particularly when attending online classes or working from home, where we tend to use our PC or laptop for longer hours. With this current change of habit, it is not surprising there is a surge in the number of people suffering from myopic (nearsighted) condition or with frequent increase of eye power. 

Nearsightedness is common and can be fixed with the help of glasses or contact lenses, but the increase of myopia exposes one to higher risks of developing other eye diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Don’t worry! Here’s a solution for you to control myopia or commonly known as nearsightedness, which is known as Orthokeratology lenses. And one can go glasses or contact lens free during the day.

What is Orthokeratology?

Orthokeratology, also known as Ortho-K, is a non-surgical procedure of reshaping the cornea gently while you sleep, with the help of specially designed therapeutic gas permeable contact lenses. This type of contact lenses can correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. It may even help to correct hyperopia (longsightedness) or presbyopia (loss of ability to focus on near objects).

Ortho-K can be defined as the temporary reduction, modification or elimination of refractive errors through the application of specially designed contact lenses.

How OCUVIQ® Ortho-K contact lens works?

Ortho-K is prescribed for 2 purposes:

1. Slow down myopia progression

2. Vision correction – user will not need glasses or daytime contact lenses if refractive errors is fully corrected.

Who can benefit from OCUVIQ® Ortho-K?

With the help of OCUVIQ® Ortho-K lenses, one is not only able to control the increase of eye power and obtain better vision, but also able to experience freedom from glasses or contact lenses during their daytime activities. OCUVIQ® Ortho-K lens would be a convenient and beneficial option especially among children and those with an active lifestyle requiring them to engage in many physical activities.

OCUVIQ® Ortho-K lenses are suitable for both adults and children. However, one will need to consult a professional eye care practitioner for the fitting and suitability of wearing Ortho-K lens.

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What is the fitting process for Ortho-K lens?

A full Ortho-K assessment is required for the fitting of Ortho-K lens. The eye care practitioner will perform an eye examination, which includes checking of refractive errors, eye health evaluation and measuring the curvature of cornea. The assessment is to ensure these custom made lenses are perfectly fitted for each individual.

In-clinic training on how to insert, remove and take care of Ortho-K contact lenses will be provided by the eye care professional upon lens fitting. Parents and child must comply with a few periodic follow up scheduled by your eye care professional to ensure that the lenses are performing well.

There are a variety of options to help control or slow down the progression of myopia. Consult an eye care professional now to get advice on the most suitable treatment for your child.

This is a sponsored post by Oculus (M) Sdn Bhd

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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