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Thursday, May 20, 2021

What parents can do to support at-home learning

Parents, siblings and even extended family members play very important roles in the language
development of a child. These groups of people arguably spend the most amount of time in the
company of that child and thus, it should come as no surprise that what we do can inadvertently
affect the child’s learning as well.

Now that most of us are back under stay-at-home orders, our time spent with our children has
increased again. This also means that children are back to learning at home and we, as family
members should do what we can to accommodate and make the experience as comfortable as we can for them.

In the video below, Geoff Taylor, the Head of Young Learners at British Council Malaysia shares his tips, not only as an expert English teacher but also as a father to his own child, on what parents can do to support their child’s learning at home.

We hope that the tips shared in the video are of use to you in easing some of the burden that comes with educating your own child at home. However, if you do require some external support with your child’s English language development, we are now open for early bird registrations for our July intake!

Register early and enjoy our early bird fees of only RM880*. Classes will be held online should we still be under a MCO rule, but we hope to resume face-to-face classes as soon as the situation is safe  enough to do so. You will be given the option to return to face-to-face instruction when the time comes. For further information, contact one of our course advisors today

*Terms and conditions apply.

This is a guest post from British Council Malaysia.

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