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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

From SJKC to International Schools

One of the most frequently asked questions in our FB group is "What's next after SJKC?" Where do we go from here? Below are the several options available:

  1. SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan) or Public National secondary school
  2. SMJK (Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan) or National-type secondary school
  3. CIS (Chinese Independent Schools)
  4. Private Schools (ie Private Schools with National syllabus, preparing to sit for SPM)
  5. International School (ie Private International schools that prepare you for international examinations like the IGCSE)
Many parents opt for SJKC (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina) during the first 5 to 6 years of their child's educational journey because they want their children to learn Mandarin in an immersive environment. After the primary school years, some parents switch to international schools so that their children can experience a different educational approach that make learning joyful, meaningful and challenging.

Transitioning from SJKC to International Schools

While primary school may be the time to build foundation and attitude, secondary school is a good time to build character and confidence. International schools are a good pathway for parents who want their children to have a holistic education that goes beyond academics. 

However, parents have many misconceptions about international schools. Below we have compared some of the myths with facts about Taylor's International School (TIS).

Myth 1: The best International schools are very expensive.
- TIS is affordable and offers quality education with world-class facilities and teaching. They also offer support through bursaries and scholarships.

Myth 2: International school students can be spoilt, and rooted too much in western culture.
- TIS is grounded in  Eastern as well as Western values, being deeply rooted in Asian culture while emphasizing character building and critical thinking.

Myth 3: A good international school must consist predominantly of expatriate teachers.
- TIS has a blend of expatriate and local teachers who are committed to a culture of continuous quality improvement. 

Myth 4: Students can only join an international school at the beginning of the academic year.
- Most international schools in Malaysia begin in September. The academic year in TIS starts in January, however many families also join during Term 2 and Term 3 intakes.

Myth 5: It’s very difficult moving from one curriculum to another, and best not to change.
- In TIS, familiarization programmes are conducted for new students to help with the transition.

The above and much more valuable information to help you make the right decision for the next milestone in your child's education can be found in TIS Essential Guide.

How to get a copy of TIS Essential Guide

Contact TIS Admissions Team today.

Taylor's International School Kuala Lumpur
Admissions Line : +603 9200 9898‪
Email : admissions@kl.tis.edu.my

Taylor's International School Puchong
Admissions Line:: +603 5879 5000
Email: admissions@pc.tis.edu.my

This post was brought to you by Taylor's International School (TIS). The school is committed to raising your child ready for the future. It nurtures students to be well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically, but have good character, know their purpose, and have the essential soft skills, confidence and knowledge to succeed in the world of tomorrow. TIS also emphasizes three languages; English,, Mandarin and BM. TIS supports smooth students'  transition into the school by offering familiarization programmes such as Induction, Buddy and English Preparation.

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