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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Highlight of Changes in School SOPs

On 28th April, 2022, the Minister of Education, Datuk Dr. Mohd. Radzi bin Md. Jidin made an announcement on some changes in School SOPs in line with the reopening of Education Sector as we head towards endemicity. Below are highlights of some of the changes that will affect primary and secondary school students with effect from 1st May 2022.

1. No need to scan MySejahtera to enter school premises

2. Mask mandate continues for enclosed spaces with exceptions or relaxation for certain situations or individuals, example when you are alone or teachers when teaching in front of classes or during gym classes or students below 5 years old or special needs individuals or those with breathing difficulties (medical report is required)

3. Face mask is encouraged for activities outside enclosed spaces within the school premises and for group activities

4. No more social distancing

5. Self-testing is required only for those with symptoms

6. Management of Covid-19 in school. Isolate student in isolation room and conduct self test. If negative, can continue lessons with mask on, if positive, inform parent to pick up their child from school.

7. Attendance is compulsory. Parents need to inform school in case of absence from school. (Previously parents could choose not to send their kids to school due to pandemic but now attendance is compulsory.) (See minute 16:38 of the video below)

8. Meals at canteen is now allowed with staggered recess time if required.

9. Resumption of all sports and co-curricular activities and competitions within and as well as outside school premise

10. Visitors are allowed to enter school premises eg for PIBG meetings etc.

11. School uniforms are compulsory with effect from the 12 June 2022 ie the second semester onwards.

12. Other changes affecting residential students or those staying in hostels, please refer to the complete summary or the press conference below.

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