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Monday, February 05, 2007

Conversation between two young girls

Recently we were rushing around doing our Chinese New Year shopping. Mr MG had to take my girl along with him to cut his hair while I took baby along with me to shop at the ladies department. Baby was good. He followed me around everywhere into various fitting rooms and tagged along while I tried on shoes. Hehe.

According to Mr MG, my girl made a new friend at the hairdressing salon so I asked her about it and this is what she told me.

My Girl: Mummy, the girl got nice shoes. Its orange and green polka dots. The girl say her shoe is nicer than mine.

My thoughts: Hahaha. Girls will be girls.

My Girl: Mummy, the girl also got a mummy, daddy and a baby but the baby not yet born.

MG: Oh, you saw her mummy's stomach was big big is it?

My Girl: Yes, her mummy also cut hair but the baby didn't get dirty because the baby was inside the stomach.

My thoughts: Hahaha. I am recording this down to show my girl the funny things she used to say as a little girl.

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