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Friday, February 02, 2007

How I survived moving house with the kids

We have finally moved. Its been quite a journey to get here. Many stressors along the way and lots of things had to be done twice or redone to get it right. On moving day, second sis offered to help me watch the kids. That was a BIG help!

She came with her husband and one of her sons to help out. She helped to babysit the kids at the new house, played with them, fed them lunch etc while we were busy moving. That really helped because then I didn't have to worry about the kids or their safety of getting in the way of big items being moved.

So we finally made it here. I didn't change any of the bedsheets or pillow cases and made tried to make their bed exactly as it looked at the old house. This helped in the transition. They even helped me arrange the pillows in the exact same places as they were used to seeing them. Lol!

The kids seem to have settled in by now and enjoying the "adventure" of being in a new place. They seem to like the new place although they did ask a couple of times "Are we going home?" to which we would tell them "This is your home now."

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