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Friday, August 22, 2008

More Holiday Time Crafts

Yesterday we did some paper lanterns. The kids requested 3 each! *Wipes forehead* Thank goodness they're easy to do. So they each got their 3 paper lanterns which they decorated with their favourite stickers. We used manila cards pink, green, yellow and blue and interchanged the color of the lanterns and handles.

After that the kids hung their lanterns onto balloon sticks by clipping them on with clothes pegs and pretended to walk about the house with their own decorated lanterns. They even wanted to place their 3 lanterns each on their bedside tables but there wasn't any space for it. The boy had cars and disney cartoon characters on his. They girl has sparkly stars and Hello Kitty stickers on hers. Gender differences start from young. Haha.

Today, we did our chain paper dolls. The dolls are easy to cut out. Then the fun part begins, drawing in the dolls' clothing. We used colored pens this time round. Then added little details by using glitter glue, the ever versatile stickers, colorful crepe paper. Even the maid enjoyed herself making some paper dolls. After that she folded some "kapal layar" for the kids. Now I know what she can do in her spare time. Do some arts and crafts too. Hehe.

Well, today is the last day officially for the school holidays. After the weekend, the girl will be back in school and we go back to our old routine. :)

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