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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Online Garfield Games - Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt

One day my kids said "Mummy, please search for Garfield games for us to play online." So we searched for "Garfield Games" and we found this game. This game called Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt is perfect for Halloween. If you are searching for scary Halloween games, this is it!

The music is scary and the game interesting as you take Garfield from room to room in the Scary Haunted House in search of muffins and doughnuts for Garfield to gobble up at the end of the game. I also enjoyed playing the game together with the kids.

The kids also liked the Garfield PingPong Game. Since then, this site is my kids' new favourite online games site. My boy enjoyed the car games. The best thing is the car games actually work! Most of the time when he plays car games it would stall or halt the pc! However the car games on this site works. The adventure games and sports games are fun too.

I would certainly recommend this online games for kids site. Its called FunnyGames.co.uk Thumbs up from MG. :)

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