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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Good Resources For Learning Music Theory Online

When my daughter started learning piano, I knew I had to learn some music theory in order to help her when she wanted to ask some questions. That was when I decided to learn music theory. I learned music theory online on my own, in the comfort of my own home, in my own time. I will share some of the resources I used with you.

Graded Music Exams

First, a little about graded music exams. The two popular ones which I know are ABRSM and Yamaha.
    What does ABRSM stand for? In case you didn't know, ABRSM stands for Associated Board of Royal School of Music. You can check out the syllabus for the music theory exams at ABRSM if you want to know what is expected of a music theory learner.
  • Yamaha Music School
    An interesting thing to note about Yahama is the fact that it Grades its learners starting from Grade 9 to 6 for students, 5 to 3 for teachers and 2-1 for professional performance candidates. Interesting isn't it? As far as I know Yamaha incorpora

An Online Music Dictionary!

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