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Monday, May 18, 2015

Beading For Kids

One of the best gifts I gave my girl is a beading set for making bracelets, earrings and necklaces. In this post I will share with you why beading sets make a good gift for kids and preteen girls.

Beading As A Hobby Is A Good Activity For Preteen Girls

"Beading requires patience and creativity. Your girl can do it on her own or in a group".

Beading Is A Good Hobby For Preteen Girls

Beading is an excellent hobby for preteen girls. It encourages creativity. It takes patience. It can also be a social game played with friends during parties or sleepovers.
I think the best age to take up beading as a hobby for kids is the preteen years, not the toddler years. Although there are many beading sets for toddlers and it has been said to improve motor skill development, I wouldn't encourage it because of the danger of choking. You'd have to watch your little one like a hawk when she is playing.
So, wait a little while and get those cute and lovely beading sets for your daughter when she is a preteen, around age 8-12 would be ideal. Beading bracelets and necklaces as a hobby can be a lifetime love once started as a hobby when young so your girl will continue to enjoy her beading set for a very long time.

This Is The Set We Started Our Girl With. It Is A Double Set That Includes Alphabet Beads And Other Pretty Beads In Various Design And Colors.

Once You Have Your Starter Set, You Can Start To Add Extras Like Dangling Charms

I got the above dangling charms in the picture above from ebay for my own European Charm Bracelets. I let my girl share my dangling charms to turn her bead bracelet into a charm bracelet

What Is The Best Type Of Threads To Use For Your Beads Bracelet

In the picture on the right, you will see some threads. Some bead bracelet sets for kids come with colored threads like that. However, the threads usually run out very quickly.
From my experience, the best type of threads are the elastic thread or cord to make stretch bead bracelets. Stretch bead bracelets are easier to make and the size is adjustable for the wearer too.
We got our elastic cord from eBay. There are several sizes in terms of thickness. (We got 0.6mm ones). Just pick the size you prefer and buy a roll or ream. Reams of different lengths are available. That should last you a lot longer. The elastic bracelet cord are usually made of strong stretchy crystal and are transparent. You can also get colored ones.

Colored Threads And Elastic Bracelet Cord. Which Is Better?

In my opinion, elastic bracelet cords are better since they make the bracelet adjustable and easier to wear

Where To Store Your Bracelet Beads? We Stored Ours In A Regular Tool Box

You can use a toolbox like we did in the above picture to store beads and cords and completed bracelets

So You Have A Lot Of Beads And Bracelets. What Do You Do With All Of Them

Preteen girls are at the age where they are making friendships and bonds. That is why they love to make things like friendship bracelets for their BFF (Best Friend Forever).
You may ask, what will my girl do with all those bracelets she has been making? She can't wear all of them? My girl makes a lot of bracelets but she doesn't wear all of them. She loves to take them out to admire. She also makes them for her best friends and other friends to give out as birthday gifts or Christmas gifts to her classmates.
This year she is planning to make some to sell at a charity event at school. She is also planning to make some to give as a parting gift to friends as they leave primary school to attend different secondary schools.
Beading is also a fun activity at any gathering featuring lots of girls, birthday parties, sleepovers etc.

Girls Enjoy Making Bead Bracelets Together

These colorful bead bracelets are made by my girl for selling at her school charity event

Jewelry Making Using Beads Can Be Enjoyed By Adults And Kids

You can enjoy this activity with your preteen and get lots of bonding time together by making beaded bracelets together with her.
For example adults can make stretch bead bracelets too. Just get a different set of beads for yourself. You can both share the stretch bracelet cord.
Here's A Video To Show You How To Tie An Elastic Bracelet Knot.

In the video, you will be shown how to make a knot for your stretchy bracelet. This is an adult jewelry making video.
However girls making beads can use it too. In the video, glue is used to hold the knots together. My girl has never used glue and her bracelets rarely fall apart. So you can omit that part if you like.
The best part I like about stretchy bracelets are the fact that you can take them apart by cutting the cord and making a new one if you want to change the look or the colors.

Alphabet Beads Are Excellent For Making Friendship Bracelets

S&S Worldwide Glitter Alphabet Beads

Beading For Kids - Designs And Tips On Beading As A Hobby For Girls

What sort of designs can you make for kids bead bracelets? Here are some ideas for you.
  • You can make them color coordinated. Using just one or a combination of 2 or 3 colors, this design is the most common and easiest to create. If you are using one color, you can add different hues of that one color to create an interesting look. When using 2 or 3 colors, purple and pink works well together, so does yellow and green, or orange and red. Colors can be used alternatingly or a colorful bracelet comprising many colors can be created. Let your child get really creative by buying her beads of many different colors. Some bead sets come in just two or three colors for example the ever popular color with girls which is pink and purple. That can get really boring. So get multi colored beads and let her explore her own creative style. Wooden Or Crystal Beads? It Is Up To You and your child's personal preference.
  • You can get alphabet beads. These are great for making and giving out to friends as friendship bracelets. However, you may find that certain alphabets tend to run out faster than the others and the others may not be used at all.
  • You can get beads with designs on them, for example flowers or other designs. These are really pretty.
  • You can get crystal or plastic beads or wooden beads. I like crystal beads because of the bling bling effect.
  • Beads don't have to be round. You can get them in oval shapes or even in butterfly, flower or other shapes. However, I find that the older girls usually prefer round or oval beads and they feel that the shaped beads are a bit childish for them. So depending on your child's age and preference, get her a few types first and don't jump into getting many of the same types immediately. If she likes beading as a hobby and after you have seen her preferred style, then you can slowly add to her bead collection.
  • Finally, don't forget to add some charms for your beaded bracelets.

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