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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Child Starting School Next Year, How Many Pairs Of School Shoes And Uniforms Should I Buy?

If we had a FAQ in our Malaysia Primary and Secondary School Parents on Facebook group for parents with kids just starting school, this would probably be in the list as one of the top questions asked. As admin of the group, I see the question every year around the last quarter of the year which is about now and it peaks around December. The question gets asked over and over again in new threads.

To help the new parents, we did a poll last year and I just want to share the poll results here. I blanked out the faces and left out the comments because ours is a closed group not a public one.

The question asked was "How many pairs of school uniform and school shoes do you keep?
Out of the 154 votes received (more than one answers may be given), it looks like the majority (50) felt that 2 pairs of school shoes and 3 pairs of school uniform (41 votes) were sufficient.

This looks like a good number to start with if you are not sure how many pairs are enough for your needs. You can always adjust accordingly later on depending on your own laundry schedule.

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