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Monday, September 14, 2015

How To Learn 2 Or 3 Languages At The Same Time - Print Out And Teach Your Kids

Language Learning Concepts and Principals

It does not matter whether you learned English but have to teach your kids Chinese. You can use the same concept and principals of learning a language to teach kids in a different language.

I learned English in school but I now used the same concept for learning English to teach my kids Chinese and Malay too! Basically, when you learn a new language, the concepts and principals behind it are more and less the same with a few unique difference for each new language. You can apply the same concept in learning a new language. They just call it by a different name that is all.

However, it all starts with the same building blocks.

I'm about to share with you How To Learn/Teach 3 Languages At The Same Time. The 3 languages are Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese Mandarin and English. You can print it out and use the same method to teach your kids. In it you will find one page of tips for parents to support their learning journey and one page of tips for kids on the 20 Steps To Learning A Language.

When you learn a new language....

You can apply the same concepts or building blocks that you learned for your first language. That is the basis of my article.

The basic steps you take whichever language you are learning are the same. You have to go through the following sequence to master a language.
  1. Alphabets
  2. Words
  3. Phrases
  4. Spelling
  5. Grammar
  6. Sentence
  7. Paragraph
  8. Essay
  9. Chapter 
  10. Book
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Download Our Free Printable Parents and Kids Tips For Learning Different Languages
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