Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, April 28, 2017

PT3 Sejarah 2017 Project Paper

History or Sejarah for PT3 is 100 per cent or fully project based.

The Tugasan Sejarah PT3 2017 or History Assignment for PT3 for the year 2017 is out.

The title for this year's assignment is:

"Peristiwa Bersejarah Di Tempat Tinggal Anda"

Anda dikehendaki membuat kajian tentang satu peristiwa bersejarah di tempat tinggal anda. Hasilkan satu laporan yang panjangnya tidak kurang daripada 300 patah perkataan.

Candidates are required to write a report of not less than 300 words. They are also required to do a presentation of their project papers. Time allocated for this is 3-4 minutes.
Here are some useful resources for PT3 students doing their Sejarah PT3 2017.
  1. Contoh Jawapan Tugasan Sejarah PT3 2017 Peristiwa Bersejarah from a blog called Miss Balqis Ordinary Girl - This gives you a good idea of what candidates are required to do
  2. PT3 Tugasan Sejarah Peristiwa Bersejarah Di Tempat Tinggal Anda from AndrewChoo.edu.my -This gives an example of how a completed project should look. There is a contoh or example link with tips.
  3. Jawapan Contoh Kerja Kursus PT3 Sejarah 2017 Peristiwa Bersejarah from MySumber.com - This gives an overview but at the point of writing, many parts are still missing or incomplete.
If you have a sample and would like to be added to this page, please leave a comment.  We will update the info as more samples become available.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Past Year Test Papers For SK, SJKC and SJKT

Recently the parents in our FB group, The Malaysia Primary School Parents On Facebook, got together virtually to exchange test papers online.

We started the test papers exchange between parents at the end of March and 2 weeks later we had 81 members sharing 250 past year test papers for SK, SJKC and SJKT. (Note that the password has since been changed and is now private for contributors only).

Currently we have 116 contributors and another 107 P1 parents who have prior access who will share exam papers after exams. We have uploaded over 390 test papers as at 24 April 2017. It has been only less than a month. This is the potential of social sharing and networking 

The test papers are shared by parents for parents for personal use only. They are restricted by password for contributing members who are not to share the papers or the password to anyone outside the circle.

Currently we have SJKC test papers for Std 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, SK test papers Std 1,2,3,4,5 and SJKT exam papers Std 1,2 & 6. We hope to include the parents in our secondary group, The Malaysia Secondary School Parents On Facebook, for SMK test papers over time.

Caring, Connecting, Learning, Sharing to help our children in school. Join over 24,000 Malaysian parents to discuss school related issues that matter to us. Click on the banners below to join our groups, then go here to find out how to join our test papers exchange.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

One-Man Star Wars Trilogy In Kuala Lumpur

Yesterday, 8 lucky winners from our FB group, The Malaysia Primary School Parents on Facebook was entertained by Canadian actor, Charles Ross who single-handedly took an entire auditorium of Star Wars fans to a galaxy far far away.

Charles Ross is seen here with members of the Star Wars Fan Club Malaysia

One of the first things that ran through our minds before attending the play was, can one man really do that? Play 40 characters, fly ships, fight a battle in the skies and carry out light saber duels all in 75 minutes?

He did just that, portraying most of the Star Wars beloved and not so loved characters down to a pat including main characters Luke, Leia and Hans Solo and perfectly mimicking the robots C-3PO and R2D2. Yoda was just right and Jabba The Hutt came to life with comedic brilliance even without costumes or props.

Charles Ross started every segment of the 3 original Star Wars movies “A New Hope,” “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.” with his own hilarious interpretation of the word scrolls and the familiar Star Wars music. From there on, there was no stopping his energetic performance with music, fight scenes and even kissing scenes thrown in, only stopping for a water break and a chat with the audience in between the "movies".

He is very personable and engages with the audience forming a rapport with them during breaks. At the end, he simply plops down on the stage and shares with the audience his personal story of how this play came to life which endears him to the audience that much more.

Tip for viewers: The more scenes you remember, the higher your enjoyment of the play. This show is perfect for Star Wars fans of all ages who have watched the original trilogy. Parents watching with kids should familiarize their kids by watching the original Star Wars movies with them before watching the performance.

Our Penang members will be enjoying the show tonight. Happy Watching!

Next month, we will be doing another giveaway for members with tickets to Dr Balloons Science Adventure brought to you by Milestone Entertainment, one of the region's leading show production company that provides exceptional international live entertainment to audiences in this region.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

UPSR 2017 Dates And Timetable

UPSR 2017 is scheduled from 11-14 September 2017 plus 18 September 2017 for SJKC/T.

The timetable is as follows:

11 September 2017 (Mon) - BM Pemahaman & BM Penulisan
12 September 2017 (Tue)  -  BI Pemahaman & BI Penulisan
13 September 2017 (Wed) - Maths 1 & Maths 2
14 September 2017 (Thur) - Science 1 & Science 2
18 September 2017 (Mon) - BC/BT Pemahaman & BC/BT Penulisan

BM = Bahasa Malaysia
BI = Bahasa Inggeris
BC = Bahasa Cina
BT = Bahasa 

All language papers are 1 hour 15 minutes each while the Maths and Science Papers are 1 hour each.

This is the same format as 2016. One subject per day with SK students completing in one week while SJKC/T students sit for their extra language papers in the following week.

Why Monday to Thursday with a 3 day break in between before the extra language papers? I presume this is because we have different weekends for different states so this is to make things uniform for the whole country. 

Source for above information: Portal Rasmi Lembaga Peperiksaan, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Go to this link and look for "Muat Turun Jadual Waktu Peperiksaan UPSR 2017" to download a more detailed version of the timetable shown above)

Thursday, April 13, 2017

SJKC - The Untold Story

As admin of the Malaysia Primary School Parents on Facebook group, I read each and every post (well, nearly all) to make sure there are no inappropriate postings. To my dismay, I frequently come across SJKC bashing posts or posts that generate a lot of fear for parents thinking of sending their kids to SJKC. Some of these include the tonnes of homework, the overzealous and strict disciplinary methods and lots more. Things are so bad it seems, it makes you wonder why anyone would want to send their kids to SJKC just to learn 6 years of Mandarin. Apparently, many don't even survive the 6 years, quitting at 3 or 4 to go to SK or jumping ship at 5 or 6 to "greener pastures" ie private or International schools. 

At one time, I too was filled with fear of all the things that has been said about SJKCs. I've since then survived 8 years with 2 kids going through P1 to P6 in SJKC. The kids did have a fair bit of homework, yes and their palms did meet the rotan a couple of times, not enough to leave any lasting impression on us, most of the time, what I saw at the school were simply kids being kids and having fun. 

No, our kids did not get punished for speaking in English in school as we had feared. In fact the teachers understood our situation and tried to speak to us in English whenever we met them.

I saw kids running happily in school corridors after school. I saw kids eating merrily at the school canteen. If you are a Chinese who is poorly educated in your own culture, as I am, you will learn quite a bit about your own culture as cultural events are often celebrated in SJKC. What a delight to see lion dancers during Chinese New Year and children dressed in their cultural best chasing after the lions and holding out their hands for angpows and mandarin oranges in school.

If you don't know Chinese but you are willing to learn together with your child to help them with the homework that you so feared you will not be able to help out with and therefore feel so stressed up about.....You know what? By the end of 6 years, you too will have learned an extra language!

There are many competitions in school for storytelling, singing, sports, arts, calligraphy etc. No, its not ONLY academics at SJKC. Many excel in other areas as well.  My kids weren't one of those who excelled in such things but we saw many who did brilliantly.

Here kids can be seen showing off their calligraphy.

What about donations? Ah yes, donations. Donations give rise to good maintenance and improvement of the school facilities such as this track field.

Our kids were fortunate to be greeted with a KL view that some pay a lot of money to stay in high rise condos for...

Parents work together to make back of the classroom lockers (sans the locks) a reality while kids decorate it to make it "theirs".

School shoes are often lost when kids take them off to go to the library. This school has cleverly come up with a cheap and functional shoe rack made of Mandarin Oranges carton boxes.

Chinese culture is celebrated in a fun way at school.

This picture looks calm and quiet but quite often it is filled with the hustle and bustle of happy kids running around the corridor.

This is but a small sharing of the memories that SJKC has left us. They are good ones and judging from the smiling faces of many kids that we see daily at school, they too would leave school with happy memories and look back with nostalgia. Only, this is the untold story. The silent story that seldom gets heard because they get drowned out by unhappiness, complaints, fear and hearsay.

So, if you are a parent contemplating SJKC, give your kid and yourself a chance. Don't enter with a negative heart. Instead, why not leave on a positive note?

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