Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

English Lessons for 10 to 12 year olds

This post was brought to you by British Council Malaysia

You want your child to not only do well in the exam room but discover the joy in learning. So what can we do outside of their school lessons to help them stay engaged and fulfil their potential?

Why English enrichment is important for well-rounded learning

Upper Primary is a transitional time for kids as they prepare for the next stage in their academic journey. During these crucial years, it’s important that children are given the tools and techniques they need to overcome learning obstacles and rise to new challenges.

English enrichment is an essential part of a child’s holistic education, because it’s not simply about cultivating new language skills (though those are important). Through collaborative activities and a rich variety of texts, our young learners are encouraged to express themselves with confidence that goes beyond their English language skills.

We want to see our students become independent thinkers, in charge of their own learning. Our highly qualified and passionate teachers guide children to go beyond the surface of their reading material, nurturing critical thinking skills that will promote greater creativity, understanding and confidence.

Instead of asking our students to accept and memorise facts, we help them to interpret stories and practise vocalising their ideas, while listening to other perspectives. This way, children learn to apply their new knowledge to skills such as evidence-building and precise self-expression, as they learn about the wider world.

What to expect from our Primary Plus courses

Comprehension strategies

Comprehension skills will be improved through the use of challenging texts. Children are supported to learn close reading techniques as they expand their knowledge and form an interest in a variety of topics while having fun learning with classmates of the same age in groups and pairs

Composition techniques

Composition techniques are taught by exploring a range of text types, such as narrative, email and personal recount. Our students are always looking to improve their writing through redrafting and introducing new words into their vocabulary through familiar topics and in activities such as writing creatively.

Challenging tasks

We encourage our young learners to engage more deeply with home and international topics and apply this knowledge to writing, reading and oral tasks. Greater awareness of the wider world will help children to excel academically.


Feedback is a core aspect of our safe, supportive and dynamic learning environment. Our experienced teachers provide regular, individual feedback so that your child may grow into a reflective learner, as well as keeping parents informed of their progress.

Discover our learning hub

At the British Council, we also motivate your child to engage in independent study via our learning hub which helps them build a love of learning English through personalised dashboard and built-in self-evaluation that helps them reflect on their learning journey. An online platform to facilitate learning before and after class, students are given the space to deepen their understanding of English. It improves their grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening skills using engaging high-quality online learning resources designed by experts while class time is more focused on improving their English-speaking skills.

About The British Council in Malaysia

The British Council in Malaysia offers English courses for kids and teens. Students will focus on literature, helping them to grow as passionate readers and build on their written and communication skills through targeted individual and group practices.

Our highly qualified and passionate teachers provide a safe and engaging environment for your child to enjoy learning new concepts and express themselves freely, so they can progress through school with enhanced confidence and enthusiasm. 

To find out more about our courses for kids and teens, visit our website or book a free consultation with our friendly consultant.



Monday, October 17, 2022

Sekolah Sri KDU Kota Damansara Info Day to be held on 19 October 2022

Sekolah Sri KDU Kota Damansara will be having an Info Day for parents and students on 19 October 2022. Parents who are interested to find out more about the school can take this opportunity to visit the school to chat with teachers and students and tour the school premise. 

Info Day is the best time to find out more about the school as teachers and students will be available to answer your questions. You will have the chance to have a personalized tour around the school led by prefects and observe the learning environment while the school is in session.

Don't forget to list down all the questions you have about the school syllabus, culture, co-curriculum activities, pricing and more. Viewing the school will also give you the opportunity to visualize if your child will be happy in the school environment for the next few important growing years of his or her life. If possible, bring your child along to look around too and encourage them to ask questions. 

Here is the program for the Info Day. 

Event: Sekolah Sri KDU Kota Damansara Info Day

Date: 19 October 2022

Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm

1. School tour led by prefects
2. Chat session with academic leadership team and students
3. Taster session for primary and secondary school students (Sign up before 17 Oct 2022)

Exclusive Promo:
50% rebate* on Registration Fee for sign ups for March 2023 intake
(*T&C apply)

03-6145 3888

Sekolah Sri KDU Kota Damansara address and location map:

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Kid's Halloween Costumes on Shopee Malaysia

 With Halloween just around the corner, there are more and more Halloween themed parties and gatherings happening. If your kid is invited to one, what should they wear? Scary or cute? Which one shall you choose? It's not too difficult to find a reasonably priced one nowadays, thanks to online shopping. 

Here are some kid's halloween costumes you can use not only for Halloween but also for themed birthday parties, cosplay gatherings and fancy dress parties. 

1. Boy's Harry Potter or Girl's Witch Costume

If you have a few kids, these are great for siblings because you can get matching ones. The girl ones look like cute and lovely girl witches whereas the boy one looks like Harry Potter.

Where to buy: https://shope.ee/4APAswrMlG

2. Boy and Girl Vampire Costume

The crimson will stand out among the blacks and purples of Halloween. Some of the costumes come with headgear and other accessories like wand or broom etc so make sure you read the description before you select your costume.

Where to buy: https://shope.ee/10S97qYJsH 3. Girl's witch costume This witch costume can be worn like a party dress without the hat and broom. Add the hat and broom for
better effect. Remove the accessories and the dress can be recycled for normal use.

Where to buy:

4. Boy's Pirate Costume

Ahoy! Me Hearties! If you are thinking of a boy's pirate costume which is perfect not only for Halloween but also for fancy dress parties in school or at a friend's birthday party, remember to get your boy to learn some pirate lingo first.  Here's a few pirate styles to choose from.

5. Kid's Superhero Costumes

We need some superheroes to save everyone from the bats, ghosts, zombies , vampires and more on Halloween. These kid's superhero costumes should do the trick. Black Panther, Optimus Prime, Wolverine, pick from these and more.

6. Kid's Ghost Skeleton Costume

This is a two piece costume with robe and mask. You can get extra skeleton gloves too for a more fancy look. This looks easy and breezy. Ditch the mask for your own Halloween makeup for kids if a mask is too uncomfortable.

7. Girl's rainbow unicorn with wings costume

Fancy up with this girl's rainbow unicorn with wings costume. Put on some Halloween makeup to complete the look. Can be reused for a princess party too! 

8. Halloween Bat Costume for kids

For kids who hate a fuss or don't like wearing costumes, you can get a simple cloak or cape which they can slip on over their normal clothing. Wear a black tee and black pants and this Halloween Bat Cloak and tadaa you have a nice Halloween costume.

Happy Shopping! Don't forget to check out the customer reviews and read the product description carefully!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Know the new academic calendar to plan your vacations

The 2022 academic year started in March 2022 and is known as the 2022/2023 academic year. We have had a lot of questions from our FB group on whether the new academic year is here to stay. At the point of writing there are no changes, it remains in March of every year.

So how does that affect parents making vacation plans. Let's have a look at the academic year 2021 and the academic year 2022/2023 side by side to see the difference. We are comparing the calendar of Kumpulan B schools.

Both the academic  year 2021 and academic year 2022/2023 has 8 weeks of holidays.  However the 8 weeks are at different times of the year. Here's how they are different.

Academic Year 2021 has 2 terms. Term 1 has a mid term break of 1 week. There is a middle of the year break in between the two terms of 2 weeks. In term 2 there are 2 mid term breaks of 1 week each. At the end of the academic year there is an end of academic year break of 3 weeks. The end of academic year break is from 11 Dec to 31 Dec 2021. Total weeks of break is 8 weeks (1+2+1+1+3 weeks).

Academic Year 2022/2023 has 3 terms.  Term 1 and Term 2 ends with 1 week of break each. There is no mid year break. Instead Term 3 ends with a 3 week break. The Term 3 break is from 10 Dec to 31 Dec 2022. (This is similar to the end of year break from academic year 2021 so you can plan for your vacation as usual at the year end as before). Finally, there is an end of academic year break of 3 weeks from 18 Feb to 12 Mac 2023 before the new academic year begins. Total weeks of break is 8 weeks (1+1+3+3 weeks).

In short, the new academic year has two 3 week breaks which makes it possible for some families to plan longer vacations since 1 week is usually a bit short for making holiday plans. What do you think of the new academic calendar in terms of the holiday dates?

Teaching that makes a difference

This post is brought to you by Taylor’s International School.

RAISING the next generation of movers and shakers who will make an impact in the future starts from building a strong foundation throughout their formative years and beyond. Good teachers play a big role in building this foundation. The best teachers instil confidence, motivate students to self-learn and uses effective teaching strategies. Teaching strategies play an important role in classroom instruction because it adds excitement to the lessons and encourages students to participate in class and connect with their peers while learning.

Taylor’s International School’s teaching strategies

Taylor’s International School (TIS) is making a difference in the lives of its students through a teaching approach that maximises every learning opportunity

Academic excellence alongside the development of character and life skills are top priorities as teachers seek to equip students with a well-rounded and diverse set of experiences to thrive in tomorrow's world.

A teacher piques students’ curiosity to engage them in the lesson. 
(Pic taken before the Covid-19 pandemic)

TIS’s teaching strategies are rooted in the Quantum Learning System. 

What is the Quantum Learning System?  This approach is based on the brain’s natural way of  learning and recognises unique individual learning styles. Through the use of this proven research-based methodology, teachers pique curiosity and engage students right from the moment a lesson begins. Our teachers deliver engaging lessons, facilitate innovative learning, instil good values and prioritize the well-being of their students. Check out what the students say below.

Delivering engaging and joyful lessons

A teacher demonstrating an experiment creating ‘A-ha!’ moments of discovery during a Science lesson.

“My teacher makes learning fun and easy. She explains things very clearly by using a lot of visuals. If I am still unclear on certain things, she will take the time to re-explain and give more examples to make me understand better. I especially enjoy group-based activities. The activities get harder each time and it challenges me to want to learn more.”  
~ Hannah Koh. (TIS Puchong Year 6 student).

Facilitating innovative learning

A joyful lesson strategically crafted to optimise students’ participation and comprehension. 
(Pic taken before the Covid-19 pandemic)

“My art teacher encourages me to think out of the box for my creations. She inspires me to try out new techniques and ideas. After giving me some direction, she would challenge me to take it further. This has helped me gain confidence in my learning.” 
~ Kavytasha Ranjithan (TIS Puchong Year 8 student)

TIS teachers inspire students to think innovatively about their learning. 

Lessons and activities are crafted in ways where students learn how to use different techniques to reach a conclusion. 

Students are often challenged to think outside the box for solutions. 

Instilling good values

“We are taught to step up and communicate. “Our teachers help us get along and they always tell us to coordinate with each other. We are encouraged to talk to everyone and treat the class as one big family.”

~ Aryan Mirza. (TIS Kuala Lumpur Year 9 student)

Character development is an integral part of TIS’ curriculum. Strong character and good values are emphasised as part of the foundation during lessons.

Teachers regularly coach students in sociability, effective communication skills and much more.

Prioritising well-being

“Our teachers care about our mental wellbeing and always check on us. Every day before classes begin they make sure everyone is fine and doing well. They help us a lot.”

~ Aryan Mirza. (TIS Kuala Lumpur Year 9 student)

TIS teachers create a positive and respectful atmosphere that makes students feel safe,  trusted, supported, belonged and emotionally confident. Issues that impact student life such as health and personal safety are frequently addressed.

Although student life will always have its fair share of challenges, the well-rounded educational approach adopted at TIS provides students the future ready skills to thrive in their learning years and beyond.
Giving our children a sound, holistic education is important so that they get a head start towards a successful future.

Visit TIS Open Week from November 7-12. Discover how their students are being nurtured and prepared for the opportunities and challenges of tomorrow.

Click here to reserve your spot today.

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