Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Christmas Gift Ideas for Girls aged 10 to 12

 Are you looking to buy a Christmas or birthday gift for your daughter, niece, younger sister or friend's child? Here are some Christmas gift ideas for girls aged 10 to 12. 

I wrote an earlier post on Christmas gift ideas for boys aged 10 to 12 and actually, girls are so much easier to buy gifts for so this will be very much more fun to curate. Girls will be girls at whatever age, there are so many pretty and cute things for girls.

1. 2023 Countdown Christmas Mystery Box Advent Calendar for girls

Advent Calendar gifts are mysterious and fun for girls. Imagine opening a different little mystery box or window each day to discover a cute piece of friendship bracelet, keychain, necklace, sunnies or hair clip. It also teaches kids to countdown and patience to open the box slowly one day at a time instead of all at one go. 

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/AUTj1bMYkK
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SQjKw?cc

2. DIY Charm Bracelet and Jewelry Making Kit Chrismas gift for Kids

Girls love pretty things and they love seeing mummy wear her jewelry. You can encourage creativity with DIY jewelry making kits which girls can spend hours of fun making charm bracelets and necklaces for or together with her friends or sisters. Some of these kits are so adorable, I suspect some moms may want to play along too!

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/7KWhGG0Uv0
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SQQ2K?cc

3. Cute Notebook Sticker Set for Diary, Planner or Journal

Girl age 10 to 12. At this age, many girls love to write diaries or journal. A cute notebook set with matcthing stickers should make the girl who loves to write happy as they can write and decorate their notes and journals with matching cute stickers. Year end is also a time many kids like to pass their journals or autograph books around for their friends to leave a note or two for them. This can double up as a mini autograph book.

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/6AKjsjtRnZ
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SQQFL?cc

4. Storybook Collection Box Set of Books For Girls

What better way to spend the year end holidays then being transported away to the world of storybooks. Girls who love to read will love to receive box sets of chapter books in a series which they can follow from one book to another. It is a good way to take them away from their gadgets. Teaching kids to love books and reading is giving them a gift for life. Encourage girls to read by gifting them with storybook sets.

Where to buy:

Shopee: https://shope.ee/5ASChgqrll
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SQ9qs?cc

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5. Clothing, hoodies, cute outfit sets for preteen girls

Girls of whatever age love clothes. At ages 10 to 12, their individual sense of fashion is evolving and they love to try out new looks to express their individuality. They also grow quickly, so you can try Korean fashion available online at affordable prices to give out as gifts.

Where to buy:

Shopee: https://shope.ee/7Uq7aukH6G
Lazada: https://www.lazada.com.my/catalog/?q=Lemon-Tree

6. Squishmallow Plushie Toys and Pillows for Girls

Squishmallows are cute round stuffed toys that come in a variety of colours, animals, sizes and textures. Soft smooth ones are particularly nice to be cuddled and placed on the bed or displayed in a girl's room with pride. They make great instagrammable props too!

Where to buy:

Shopee: https://shope.ee/6ztr0rqYbI
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SQMaD?cc

7. Art Set for girls who love to draw and do art and craft

Crayons, color pens or pencils, markerts, pencils watercolors or better still everything in one set make great gifts for girls who love to draw and colour. They are also useful for school art and craft projects and can keep a girl entertained for hours. There are plenty of Christmas coloring pages or images for girls to color and display in their rooms.

Where to buy:

Shopee: https://shope.ee/7Uq7cep78K
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SQMo1?cc

8. Cute Room Decor Night Light for Girl's Room

Girl's love to decorate their room with cute things, kawaii stuff and pretty knick knacks. Try a cute night light, that is squishy and fun and useful to light up the room in the dark. Cute to look at and functional, these night lights can be dimmed, squished and look great in a girl's room.

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/2q4I62NisN
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SQoCv?cc

These Christmas gift ideas can be used for birthday gifts for girls aged 10 to 12 as well.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Christmas Gift Ideas for Boys aged 10 to 12


1. Football Advent Calendar

24 little books on football individually wrapped and hidden in windows with football jerseys on them is the perfect gift for football fans. Football fan dads can enjoy this gift with their boys.

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/20V9iwRJNW
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.Sj4rU?cc

2. Basketball Hoop Stand

One way to get kids up and moving is to get them a sports related gift. Kids can practice their basketball shooting skills easily without having to look for a park with a basketball court. They can practice on their own or play with a sibling. There are many basketball hoop stand sets for a wide variety of budgets. 

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/6fGzC02ZeP
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.Sjdwn?cc

3. Gaming Headset

Boys this age often like to play games with their buddies online. A good gaming headset can make a difference to their game. Surround sound, noise cancellation, lightweight are some of the things you should be looking for when shopping for a gaming headset.

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/4fVuomTkCH
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SjW2F?cc

4. Lego Building Set

The world of Lego is a limitless world of creativity and play. There are so many sets for kids and adults who love Lego, you can spend hours building, playing and displaying your finished work. For example, this Lego Minecraft playset gives kids 2 different play scenarios. The first is a golem fortress, featuring 2 heroes from the game, the Crystal Knight and the Golden Knight, who protect their base from hostile attackers, a Charged Creeper and 2 skeleton horsemen. Kids can reconfigure the fortress into a towering golem figure, with huge movable arms. 

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/30NgqcMGdb
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SjWJE?cc

5. 3-D Pen

A 3-D pen will give boys hours of creativity because they can draw anything 3-D instantly. Know that the sets you buy usually come with some filaments but they are usually not enough. The most commonly used  filaments for 3D pens are PLA and ABS filaments. Do read up more about the pros and cons of each. The filaments are so interesting these days, don't just buy plain coloured ones, nowadays you can find glow in the dark ones or those that look like wood. 

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/9zXRC2LLQo
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.Sj3im?cc

6. Kids Smart Watch 

A cool looking smart watch that can make and receive phone calls makes it easier for parents to contact kids on the move and is a good Christmas present for boys aged 10 to 12 with its many good looking designs and features.

Where to buy:
Shopee|: https://shope.ee/20V9i8ci39
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SjVXQ?cc

7. Decor light for boys room

Colourful 3D lighting with phrases like "Can't hear you, I'm gaming", "On Air", "Game Zone" is an interesting addition to this room decor. Boys need to mark their space and decorate it with their own personality and style. 

Where to buy:
Shopee: https://shope.ee/6UxZ5r7MKT
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SjfFJ?cc

8. Chocolate Gift Box for Boys

Lots of choices of specially curated chocolate boxes for boys. You can't go wrong with food when it comes to gifts. Chocolate lovers will love these boxes. Some of them come with a plushie or gift or two. Select those which you think the receipient will enjoy the most.

Where to buy:
Shopee:  https://shope.ee/1qBjXiwDPl
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.SjUOa?cc

Apart from Christmas presents, the above gifts make great birthday gifts too!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Avenue K Christmas 2023 Decor Theme and Activities for Shoppers


The end of the year is a very exciting time of the year with the malls all decked out for the holidays. We are eagerly waiting to see all the amazing decorations and events planned for shoppers. Today, we share with you the Avenue K Christmas Light Up Ceremony and activities planned for shoppers this year end 2023.

This year the theme is Candy Wonderland. You will see sweet candy canes all over the shopping complex. I particularly like the soft velvety big Christmas tree in the centre. Let's see what the mall has in store for shoppers. 

Join us as we take a step into this magic wonderland! The TikTok video below shows you the decorations at one of the entrances of the Avenue K mall while the YouTube video shows you the amazing Christmas Light Up Ceremony which promises the excitement that awaits shoppers.

Throughout the year end holiday season from 10th November till 31st December 2023, you will be greeted by wonderful sights and sounds. When planning your shopping, remember to shop till evening so you can come out to the street and enjoy the beautiful sight. 

Shoppers will also be entertained by musical performances and live entertainment such as the one you see in the video below from Kelab Belia Setiakawan. There will also be Santa and Santarina walkabouts and giveaways, Caroling Group Performances, Broadway Christmas Dance, Santarina Troopers Dance, Candy Cane Dance, Pink Panther Dance and more. Be entertained to the sweet sound of violins and saxophone as you shop. 

Below are more close up views of the Candy Cane themed Christmas 2023 decorations at Avenue K mall.

The concourse level has been laid out with booths filled with jewelry, knick knacks and other gifts you can buy for friends, relatives, colleagues or yourself.

Don't forget to download the AK App for more exclusive discounts, rewards, redemptions and opportunities. AK App members who spend RM500 and above in 2 receipts receive an exclusive porcelein bowl while those who spend RM350 and above in 2 receipts can look forward to a RM100 Samba Braazilian Steakhouse voucher.

While you are shopping, do take lots of photos at the many instagramable spots and join the Facebook photo/video contest. Who knows? You may be the lucky one to walk away with RM150 worth of prizes. 

Details of the redemptions and contests are here. Avenue K Candy Wonderland Christmas 2023

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

2024/2025 School Holidays Calendar

Every year, parents wait for the school holidays calendar eagerly so that they can plan for their annual holidays with the kids. This year is no different. Parents have been asking about the official 2024/2025 School Holidays Calendar for some time now. 

2024/2025 School Holidays Calendar

Finally, the 2024/2025 School Holidays Calendar has been released. You can download it from the Ministry of Education offical website under the heading: Kalendar Akademik Sesi 2024/2025

As with every other year, there are three appendix. They are for schools in Group A, Group B and a Festive Holidays schedule. Note that the Festive Holiday for Chinese New Year is not included in this schedule as it has already been released in the 2023/2024 School Holidays Calender previously.

The academic year will start in March 2024 with the first day of school on 10th March 2024 for schools in Group A ie schools in Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu and 11th March 2024 for schools in Group B ie schools in all other states and federal territories.

Monday, November 06, 2023

Raising Digital Wizards: A Parent's Guide to Kids Coding

In a world where everything is going digital, learning to code is like learning a superpower for kids. And at Kidocode, we're all about helping your little superheroes discover their coding powers. It's not just about making them good at using computers. It's about helping them create, solve problems, and even start their own tech adventures.

The Magic Begins with You

Your role as a parent is super important. When you're involved, your kids do better - it's like a magic boost for them. And at Kidocode, we invite you to join in right from the start, even before you sign up. Here's how you can help:

1. Spark Their Interest: Show them how cool coding can be. Your excitement will rub off on them.

2. Make a Special Spot for Them: Set up a place at home where they can practice without interruptions. It's their personal lab.

3. Practice Makes Perfect: Encourage them to code a little bit every day. It's like practicing spells until they get them just right.

4. Watch and Cheer: When they show you what they've made, be proud and show it. It means a lot.

5. Let Them Figure Things Out: If they hit a bump, it's okay. Figuring out tough stuff makes them stronger.

6. Keep the Conversation Going: Talk to them about what they're learning. Your interest can make their learning even more fun.

Kidocode: Your Partner in the Magical Quest

Kidocode is like the school for young wizards but for coding. We've made our classes so fun and interesting that kids love learning.

  • Learning Just for Them: Every kid is different, so we make sure they learn in a way that's best for them.
  • Projects They'll Use: They'll make things that work in the real world, not just in the classroom.
  • Teachers Who Care: Our teachers are like friendly guides who really know their stuff and want to help.

Cast the First Spell

Ready to see your child do amazing things with code? Kidocode's door is open for you and your child to try a class for free. You're not just watching; you're part of the adventure.

Your Next Spell

If you want your child to be ready for a world where tech is everywhere, come to Kidocode. We mix technology, fun, and real-life skills so your child can bring their ideas to life.

Visit KidoCode to book your free trial class. Let's make some magic happen together!

This post was brought to you by KidoCode.

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