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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Teaching Kids To Draw Using Microsoft Paint

We don't have any fantastic drawing programs at home so we have to rely on good old Microsoft Paint. I can't draw on paper, so what more on PC using MS Paint? So how do I teach the kids to draw using microsoft paint? Nevermind, the internet is always full of resources. Today, I want to share with you a wonderful resource I found.

Here it is. How To Draw Cartoons in Microsoft Paint. I love it! This is a series of videos teaching you how to draw cartoons in microsoft paint. It is extremely easy to follow. You will be taken through the steps to draw and color a picture using MS Paint. The steps are shown in the form of video instructions on how to draw in Ms Paint. At the end, the presenter even shows you how to animate your pictures. All this using good old Microsoft Paint.

So you see, you don't need any fancy tools to teach kids how to draw using Microsoft Paint. Just show them the instruction videos, then let them experiment themselves. This is what my boy came up with, after watching the video.

Cartoon boy drawn using Microsoft Paint. According to his sister who is always ready to point out his mistakes, he forgot to draw in the body. 

Cartoon Car with special weapons. My boy drew and colored this picture himself after experimenting with the first by following the instruction videos on how to draw cartoons in microsoft paint. He took just 10 minutes to complete this masterpiece.

The video using this picture tool to animate the picture by saving, drawing and  uploading the files frame by frame. Really nice picture tool, so I'm going to add the link here for our reference. - iaza - free online image conversion tool.

The kids don't get to play around and experiment with the pc during school days, so we do some of these things during the school holidays. :)

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