Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, April 19, 2013

What Is Digraf And Konsonan Berganding

Digraf dan Konsonan Berganding
So what is Digraf and Konsonan Berganding? Both are words that contain two consonants (not a e i o u which are vowels) side by side, one after the other, within the word.

Both are words with two consonants beside each other so how do you differentiate one from the other. How is Digraf different from Konsonan Berganding or Konsonan Bergabung? In fact there are some which do not differentiate the two but rather present them under the same heading adding to the confusion for student, parents including some teachers. Others differentiate them as follows:

There are only 5 consonant combinations for words classified as Digraf. They are: ng, ny, sy, kh and gh.

Examples of Digraf: bunga, nyamuk, syarat, khas, ghairah

Other consonant combinations give you Konsonan Berganding.

Examples of Konsonan Berganding include: stem, trak, aiskrim, drama and more.

Related Posts:

What Is Diftong And Vokal Berganding

More Digraf examples can be found here.

Digraf from Yap Choon Heong

Here is a further explanation about Diftong, Vokal Berganding, Digraf and Konsonan Berganding.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What Is Diftong And Vokal Berganding

Diftong dan Vokal Berganding
How do you teach your child something you do not understand yourself? Hmm.... you have to learn it of course.

My boy is in Std 3 and his Bahasa Malaysia syllabus include diftong, vokal berganding, digraf, konsonan berganding or bergabung or whatever those are. I didn't have to teach my girl, his older sister, that so that was fine.

I was first faced with this diftong and vokal berganding term the first time when my boy was in Std 1 or Std 2, I don't remember which year. I didn't understand it then. We just went through the books and memorised the words given that were supposed to be diftong or vokal berganding words. Naturally, when you memorize something without understanding, you forget, the next year and the next when you are faced with it again.

So, this year, I made an effort to "study" harder and finally we got it.

Both Diftong and Vokal Berganding are words that have the vowels "a e i o u" in them but how do you differentiate the two?

For example, the words "daun" and "wau" both have "au" (two vowels in them) so they are either diftong or vokal berganding. So which is which? Which one of the words is classified as diftong and which one vokal berganding?

The difference between the two comes in the form of pronunciation or the way you read the words. Words that have one syllable sound or satu sukukata when you read, are diftong and words with two syllable or dua sukukata are vokal berganding. So, do you know which is diftong and which is vokal berganding? Tell me in the comments. Or are you more confused now?

Try other words: tuan, koi, buah, tupai, gua, pulau, air, and more. Do you know which words are diftong and which words vokal berganding? Scroll down for the answer.

.... and I thought KSSR was easier....

The study of phonics is supposed to help children read but I think I have got it backwards instead. I read so that I can identify the phonics.

Here's more Diftong and Vokal Berganding Practise for the kids, the moms and the educators who are all a confused lot.

Perkataan diftong dan vokal berganding from Ooi Cad Li

Answer to above question: koi, tupai and pulau are Diftong. The others are Vokal Berganding. Did you guess correctly?

Related Post:

What Is Digraf And Konsonan Berganding

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