Eye Level Malaysia

Monday, August 18, 2014

Countdown To UPSR 2014


In 3 weeks time, my daughter will be sitting for her UPSR examinations. Her school is pushing her very hard indeed with plenty of homework, seminars, motivational talk etc. There is almost nothing I as a parent can do to help her do her revision. I can only help by giving suggestions and try to steer her in the right direction, for example if I think too much emphasis is given to a subject and not enough on the areas where she is weak.

I am also trying my best to reduce her stress levels. Not much I can do in terms of homework. I have spoken to the teacher to explain that she is trying her very best and yet she cannot complete them. So if she keeps on getting scolded for incomplete work that she is doing her best to work on, it can only increase her stress level and this will have negative impact, not positive ones.

Besides, this I am also trying to make sure that she gets enough sleep and good food and nutrition. In addition, I constantly remind her that getting 7As is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the effort. Unfortunately, getting 7As is the most important thing in her school or class and this message has been constantly passed on to the kids. I am really worried that she will be terribly disappointed if she doesn't.

As parents, we always have to watch our kids closely and be mindful of their feelings and needs and do our best to support them. My boy is more playful so we push him harder in his studies so he can feel the joy of performing at his best potential. The girl is serious and diligent so we have to remind her to relax and learn to let go, be happy with her efforts as well as how to handle disappointments. Different strokes for different folks and every child is different even if they come from the same parents and same growing up environment.

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