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Monday, December 01, 2014

Indoor Physical Activity Ideas For Kids - Eight Fun Ideas To Get Kids Moving Indoors

“It's raining. I don't know what physical exercises we can do indoors. My house is too small."

Indoor Physical Activity Ideas For Kids - Eight Fun Ideas To Get Kids Moving Indoors

It's cold and raining outside? You don't think your house has the space for physical activities. Don't worry. These indoor physical activity ideas for kids don't take up space. They only use up creativity.

  1. Make a few bean bags. Then have a bean bag juggling contest or try to run across the room with bean bags on your heads. 
  2. Blow up a few balloons, then play catch the balloons, throw the balloons into hula hoops. The more balloons the better. Try to keep the balloons in the air. Hit the balloons to one another. In no time at all the kids will have worked up a sweat. You don't have to use balloons in parties only. Use them just for fun in an exercise routine. 
  3. Obstacle Course Racing. Create your own obstacle course. Use that old pop-up house or tunnel you have, put chairs and hula hoops in the way. Climb over chairs, go under tables, hop into a hoop, crawl in the tunnel. Then use a timer to see who completes the indoor obstacle course the fastest. 
  4. Aerobics for kids. You don't have to send your kids to expensive and specialised gym or yoga classes for kids. Just do your own kids aerobics at home. Put on some aerobics dance music. Then ask the kids to take turns becoming gym instructor. Then everyone should follow the actions of the gym instructor. My kids love this. They love becoming gym instructor. 
  5. Play catching or hide and seek. This classic old games never fail to get the kids moving and squealing with laughter too. 
  6. Dance. Put on some music and dance! My kids and I often put on an instrumental dvd. Then we try to interpret the music with our own dance. Some of the music requires us to march around the room. Some require us to race around the room or twist or hop. We march in an imaginary band, wiggle like a snake, do the choo choo train. Its really fun. 
  7. Make and fly paper aeroplanes. Flying and picking. Flying and picking. You can really get moving that way too! We would fly planes to each other and try to catch them, then try to see which design flies the best. 
  8. Get a trampoline. This is really fun but you must make sure your house is high enough and the trampoline is safe. You can also use the trampoline outdoors so your jumps are not limited by the ceiling. 
“We don't have time to exercise. My child's routine is too full!"

You Have To Make A Time Commitment To Include Exercise In Your Kids' Lives

Involve them in the planning. Ask them which days they would like to have their "gym sessions" or "exercise classes" then stick to the schedule. My kids look forward to "gym days" which is what we call the time we have set aside for physical activities at home

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