Eye Level Malaysia

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reviewing Just Enough By Allie Hill

Just Enough is written and illustrated by Allie Hill
Title: Just Enough
Writer and Illustrator: Allie Hill
No of pages: 36 pages
For Whom: Toddlers and Preschoolers (Age 4-7)
Published Date: 15 December 2016
Publisher: MPH Group Publishing

The beautiful illustrations and harmony of colours are the first thing that draws you to this book for preschoolers. When it comes to children's books, I love those that have beautiful illustration, rhyming words and a moral lesson. This book has them all.

Just Enough by Allie Hill is a feel good book about love, good times, good memories and family. The illustrations are eye-catching and pleasing even for adults who may be reading this together with their little ones.

Written in prose form, the book journeys through time as seen through the eyes of a little girl with her favourite blanky made with love by grandma for her to the time when she is all  grown up. Though the blanky is now reduced to a hanky it remains in her heart forever more.

The girl has exciting adventures with her blanket and takes away with her a lifetime of skills and lessons from her grandmother.

An easy and fun read with words that rhyme and lots of pretty pictures with important lessons about love and family for little ones. That is what you can expect from this 36 page storybook for toddlers and preschoolers.

The author, Alice Hill is a graphic designer and illustrator. Just Enough is her second picture book for children. She lives in Kuala Lumpur with her husband Phill and daughter Sasha.

We are currently taking orders and doing a mini giveaway for members of our FB group and blog readers from West Malaysia only.

Fill up this form latest by 23 March 2017 to order. Payment instructions will be sent to you after closing date once a minimum of 15 orders are reached. After payment, 3 lucky winners will be selected to receive this book free. Winners bear shipping cost. ie winners will be refunded the cost of the book minus shipping cost.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Electronics And Coding For Kids And Teens

Have your children ever wandered what's inside a tablet computer or smartphone, what makes an alarm clock go off or how a rice cooker works? Curious and inquisitive children may wonder how many household appliances and electronics works. Some may even try to pry open some devices to study them. Understanding electronics is a good living skill to acquire as more and more gadgets become "smart" and "digital". Coding and electronics is what make these gadgets work.

Electrical Engineering and Coding makes everyday gadgets come alive. This is one fun element in the computer courses for kids and teens offered by KidoCode.

Here are what kids will learn when they join the electronic course in KidoCode:

  • They will learn how to program electronics using Arduino. Arduino is an electronics prototyping platform which you can use as creatively as you like to invent new and exciting gadgets that work in real life
  • They will create fun DIY projects using Raspberry PI. Raspberry PI is a computer in the size of a credit card. It plugs into your TV and a keyboard. Raspberry PI projects is educational and help kids learn about coding, programming and computing by allowing them to build practical and creative inventions
  • They will discover the basics of electronics while tinkering with jumper cables, buzzers, ultrasonic sensors, light sensors, and more
  • They will make simple LED circuits with Push Button or Pull Up/Down Resistors. These are helpful in understanding their Science lessons at school.
  • They will find out how a DC Motor works and its importance for many electrical and electronic devices.
All of these lessons are hands-on and incorporate STEM, the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math into the course syllabus. Besides satisfying kids natural tendency to build and invent, kids are learning essential coding and computer programming skills that is essential in 21st Century Learning.

Kids can also learn Python programming, Mobile App Development, Web Development, and Game Development depending on their own knowledge and capabilities by learning using an adaptive learning system using artificial intelligence.

Interested in introducing your child to the world of Coding, Electronics and Robotics? Sign up for a free demo class today. The 3-4 hour demo class is an eye-opener not only for kids but for parents too. 

Schedule for Demo Classes in March - April 2017:
Venue: KidoCode (Solaris, Mont Kiara)
Click on the Sign Up link above to book your free demo class

Time Slots: 10:30 A.M. or 2:30 A.M.

March 16-March 19
March 21-March 26
March 28-April 2
April 4-April 9
April 11-April 16
April 18-April 23
April 25-April 30

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

English Language Enrichment Classes For Kids Aged 4 To 18

There is no denying that learning is essential at any age. Many parents want to send their kids for English Language Enrichment Classes but they are not sure where to start  or how to go about it? How many times a week is enough? Should you send for phonics, reading or writing, speech and drama or public speaking? Which is better?

We were able to catch up with Lorna Whiston during their recent Open Day at Taman Tun on 25th February 2017 to write this mini guide. We hope this will help you to understand what type of courses are available so you can pick the right one for your child.

Lorna Whiston Open Day

At Which Age Should You Start Your Child On English Lessons?

Lorna Whiston Taman Tun accepts children starting from 4 years old. This is because they are a government registered institution and this is in compliance with requirement. 4 years old would therefore be a good age for you to start thinking of English Enrichment Classes.

How Many Times A Week Should My Child Attend English Enrichment Lessons?

Lorna Whiston Taman Tun runs several types of English Language Programmes. Once a week, intensive daily or specific focus programmes.

You can sign your kids up for English Enrichment Classes for once a week classes for kids on weekdays (2 hours) or weekends (2 1/2 hours). Parents have a choice to select between weekday or weekend classes. The syllabus for both is the same. Weekend classes are 30 minutes longer and therefore may include a little bit more practice for an extra fee.

Classes are available for kids of all ages, Language Development Classes for kids age 4-6, Language Extension for Primary Students and Advanced Language for Secondary students.  All areas of English language are covered in these programmes. (Who is this for? We feel this is suitable for parents with kids in public schools who wish to give their children extra exposure and help in English language to supplement school lessons or existing preschool. The native English speaking teachers and different style and approach will widen kids horizons from their current school based learning especially for SK and SJKC/T school going kids. These classes also provide valuable support for children at International Schools as they help improve grammatical knowledge.)

Language Development Class 
They also have an intensive daily English class from Mondays to Fridays for 3-4 hours each day for kids from 4-6. (Who is this for? We feel this is suitable for those who are planning to send their children to International Schools. This will give children the early preparation they need in a fully immersed English speaking environment for kindy or preschool years with Math, Science, Art etc taught in English by native English speaking teachers. These classes also provide a solid grounding in all areas of the curriculum for children who proceed to National Schools. However, they will need extra tuition in BM and Mandarin before primary school.)

In addition if you prefer a specific focus, you can go for the Phonics, Creative Writing, Speech and Drama or Public Speaking or you can mix and match your programmes. (Who is this for? We feel this is suitable for everyone who wish to train their kids in these particular areas specifically)

Speech And Drama Class

What Do They Teach My Child In English Enrichment Classes?

Lorna Whiston uses their own syllabus and materials in their English Language Programmes which cover vocabulary, speaking, writing, grammar, comprehension, composition and all other aspects of English Language development. In addition they encourage all their students to read a lot with their extensive student library. Parental involvement is very much promoted as well.

What Is The Classroom Size Like?

At Lorna Whiston Taman Tun, classes are small and cozy with no more than 12 students to a class for individualized attention.

Lorna Whiston Classroom

So Where Do I Start?

This depends on the age of your child.

For example a 7 year old child may be required to sit for an assessment to decide whether it is more suitable for him/her to join the Language Development Classes for kids aged 4-6 or the Language Extension Classes for primary students. (Note: Parents can call up for an appointment for their children to do a free assessment which is conducted on Thursday afternoons or all of Saturday)

After assessment, secondary school students go to the Advanced Language Programme. Teenage students will benefit from classes with native English speakers to prepare them for tertiary studies overseas in later years.

Your child can join starting from age 4 and continue right up to age 18 progressing steadily as he or she goes along. The programmes runs over 4 terms in a year. Each term is 11 weeks long.

We wish to thank Lorna Whiston Centre Taman Tun Dr Ismail for providing the information for this post.

Lorna Whiston English Language Centre

Units 8-10, Jalan Wan Kadir 1
Taman Tun Dr Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 7727 1909

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