Eye Level Malaysia

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

What learning English looks like for your child in 2021


Geoff Taylor, the Head of Young Learners at the British Council in Malaysia, shares your views on your children learning English and their broader education in Malaysia:

At the end of last year, we asked a group of Mumsgather readers to complete a survey about their child’s education and their experiences in learning English. The results were fascinating, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to share them with you.

As a British national who has lived in Asia for around 15 years, the first thing that struck me when I arrived in Malaysia was that everywhere I went I heard people speaking English. This is very different to places I have lived previously, such as Vietnam or the Czech Republic. This is also reflected in the survey results with an overwhelming number of parents saying that English is their child’s main language. However, despite saying that their child is fluent in English, they also stated that their child still has significant room for improvement in their English ability. English may be their child’s main language, but they still feel they have yet to fully master it.

Reading English books or watching English TV series and films were listed as being the main ways in which Malaysian children improve their English. In addition to English, parents expressed an interest in their children studying more topics such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), and stated they were particularly interested in developing their critical thinking ability. Parents of 7-9 year olds also listed public speaking classes as something they felt would benefit their child. These areas are increasingly important in today’s global societies as we move away from the industrial age, with its foundation in hard skills, and embrace the digital age, where soft skills are increasingly vital.

According to the survey results, parents felt that getting the right teacher was crucial to their children’s education. For younger children the personality of the teacher was most important. Teachers working with younger students must genuinely love children and have a real passion and tremendous enthusiasm for what they do. For teenagers, the teacher’s expertise in the subject area was identified as being more significant.

When choosing between academic results on the one hand, and soft skills (such as communication and problem-solving) on the other, all parents chose soft skills. Again, this reflects the changing world. Obviously, our children still need to do well at school, but good academic qualifications are no longer enough to guarantee a successful future. Flexible individuals who can find creative solutions to challenges and work well with others are increasingly valued. When we consider how the world is changing, and the new global challenges we all face, is not surprising to see this strongly reflected in the survey results.

The questions parents ask about their child’s education are, in order of priority, as follows:

1. Will your child’s intellectual ability, perseverance, creativity, and other personality traits be developed?

2. Will your child’s communication skills improve?

3. Are the teachers of high quality?

4. Is the learning environment safe, supportive, and positive?

Surprisingly, it was only with teenagers that concerns about affordability and price are mentioned.

In general, what was most noticeable from the survey was that although for many children in Malaysia English is their main language, parents believe that they have a long way to go before they can be said to have completely mastered the language. Likewise, the shift from a traditional academic focus to developing core skills for life, such as communication or problem-solving ability, and even personality traits such as resilience and perseverance, reflects changes taking place in education across the globe. The British Council is proud to have been working in Malaysia for over 75 years, and we take great pleasure in doing everything we can to help Malaysian children prepare for the world of the future. Find out more about what the British Council does here

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

BenQ Shopee Mall Grand Launch Celebration Deals

In our previous post, we wrote about BenQ Eye-Care Monitor for home based learning

BenQ is now on Shopee Mall. Recently BenQ launched its official flagship store on Shopee Mall. Now you can get BenQ monitors and other BenQ products online from Shopee Mall. 

Below are some of the exciting deals during the launch period from 8th to 31st March 2021.

BenQ Shopee Mall Grand Launch Celebration Deals

- Follow BenQ Malaysia store on Shopee Mall to get vouchers when you purchase

- Get 10% Shopee coin cashback for every order during this period

- Bonus RM10 Grab Food voucher for product reviews made during launch period

Terms and conditions apply

About BenQ

BenQ stands for "Bringing Enjoyment 'N' Quality to Life". The BenQ brand aims to bring products that impact the enjoyment and quality of life in all areas including lifestyle, business, healthcare and education. Products are designed after taking into account the views of  business professionals, families, doctors and patients, teachers, and even gamers. 

BenQ uses design and technology to bring enjoyment to people's lives , to improve the quality of their lives and help them achieve their goals with products that fit people's ever-changing lifestyle and needs

Find out more about how BenQ products currently meet the needs of students who have to study online at home whether it is school based learning, online extra-curricular classes or real-time on-screen tuition. Find our more about the best BenQ eye-care monitor for home based learning to get the best lifestyle monitors for the needs of students today. Don't forget to take advantage of the BenQ Shopee Mall Grand Launch Celebration Deals from 8 - 31 March 2021.

The images below is to show you that BenQ monitor different models come with different usage.

There are plenty of fun things to do at home, Playing Games and work from home is definitely on top of the list.  BenQ Monitors is perfect for personal entertainment and usage.

Choose the right monitor for yourself today and Stay Safe!

This post was brought to you by BenQ Malaysia.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

BenQ Eye-Care Monitor For Home Based Learning

Working from home and online learning from home has become our new norm. As we try to adapt to these new changes, we are faced with new challenges. To make working from home or studying from home comfortable and workable, we need the right gadgets!

Challenges faced during online learning at home

  • long hours online is tiring for students
  • not sure of which gadget to use - smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop?
  • not enough gadgets to share between siblings and parents
  • no proper study place
  • not enough data or internet line is not stable
  • no webcam or proper speaker
  • teacher's are not used to teaching online
  • students are not disciplined to stay throughout the lesson or participate during lessons
  • students chatting or playing games online during lessons
We could go on and on with the list of challenges. While some of them may take some time to get used to or be resolved, some can easily be resolved with the proper equipment and hardware. Let's start taking care of our children during online home based learning with the right gadgets. 

Not only do we need to support their homework and learning by making sure they understand what is being taught, when they have to submit assignments and making sure they do it, we also have to take care of their eyes, their posture, their sleep etc in order to reduce fatigue, tiredness, eye irritation or eye strain during long hours of online learning. We can do this by investing in a good monitor like the BenQ Eye-Care Monitor.

Top 3 reasons why the BenQ Eye-Care Monitor will help in home based learning

 1. The BenQ GW2480T & GW2780T Eye-Care Monitor can be easily connected to laptops, tablets and smart phones as external display. It comes with built in speakers.

Children do not have to squint their eyes over small smart phones or tablets as the monitor is available in 24 inch or 27 inch variants, making it comfortable for students. The monitor can be placed on a study or work desk. This encourages students to have good study habits by working from a study desk instead of walking about, sitting on the sofa with other distractions or worse still lying in bed! 

BenQ GW2480T & GW2780T come with D-Sub x1 , HDMI 1.4 x 1 , Display Port x1 connectivity, you do not have to invest in another desktop as you can use your existing laptop or tablet(adapter needed) to plug into the monitor.

2. The BenQ Eye-Care Monitor is height adjustable

Parents, kids, siblings can take turns using the monitor with no issues as the monitor is height adjustable for each individual. Not only are you able to move it up and down, you can tilt, pivot or swivel it for your viewing comfort. This reduces the need to hunch or bend over or raise your head which can be very tiring for long hours of lessons.

3. The BenQ Eye-Care Monitor takes care of your eyes

Here's how the BenQ Eye-Care Monitor takes care of your eyes

Zero Flicker - it is flicker free thus reducing pressure on the eyes as well as eye fatigue from looking at a screen for a long time.

Low Blue Light - it filters out blue light. Blue light is harmful to eyes. When we use a monitor to attend online lessons or do homework for hours daily, strong blue screen light enters our eyes, which could lead to eye-related problems. In addition, blue light can suppress the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, resulting in sleep disorders.

Brightness Intelligence features- Brightness Intelligence sensor will automatically adjust the brightness according to your surroundings. Screen light may cause fatigue to our eyes without us noticing. Many of us do not adjust our monitors manually each day according to daylight, evening or night light, thus increasing the risk of having a too bright or too dark monitor, both are not ideal for our eye health. With this auto brightness adjustment feature, we can be ensured of an optimum brightness every time. 

Color Weakness Features - it has a color weakness mode with red filter and green filter for red and green color deficiency. Did you know that people with color weakness can decipher pie charts, statistics and pictures better with color filters? Students are required to look at charts, figures and pictures a lot during lessons. This will help them view them better.

Learn More
Where to buy?

Support your child with e-learning by providing them with the right tools.

This post was brought to you by BenQ Malaysia.

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