Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Five benefits of primary English tuition

This post was brought to you by British Council Malaysia.

Lower Primary years are foundational to a child’s overall academic success. From Primary 1, children will begin to grow in confidence as readers, in speaking and writing, and in listening and comprehension. As they pass through each learning stage, they will progress at different paces, sometimes requiring additional support and attention to help them stay engaged. Here are some of the reasons why you might consider primary English tuition for your child.

Reasons to enrol in primary English tuition 

It improves all-round academic performance

Tuition in English can help your child make significant strides at school. Being able to read is key in all subjects, as is the ability to listen and communicate to teachers when they need help.

A good tutor will nurture your child’s holistic development as well as their language skills, encouraging them to take pride in their work and think creatively to solve problems. It goes without saying that children need to be challenged in order to progress in any area, but they also need to connect with learning as a positive and rewarding experience.

It is an opportunity to learn outside of the classroom

If your child is struggling with the transition to Lower Primary, it may be that some extra support away from the classroom environment could make all the difference. English tuition allows children to learn in smaller class sizes, providing them with access to more personalised teaching methods and individual attention. Some children may find a tuition centre a less daunting environment than a school, helping them to cope more easily with the step up in expectations.

It builds confidence

Primary English tuition can help tremendously in building a child’s confidence. They will become more able to express themselves verbally in front of their peers and adults, from reading aloud to presenting ideas, sharing their opinions, and asking questions. As they progress in English, this boost to their confidence will help them to thrive in social interactions as well as in their school work.

It prepares children for future success

Lower Primary lays the groundwork for the important school years ahead, preparing students for their first milestone exams and the demands of more challenging curriculums. Staying ahead academically will give them an early advantage, but moreover, with the right tuition your child can begin to develop essential 21st century skills like creative thinking, resilience, self-directed learning, and confident communication.

It provides peace of mind for parents

Every parent wants their child to do well at school and to enjoy their time there each day. English tuition can give you extra peace of mind, in the knowledge that your child is being fully supported to reach their potential.

At the British Council, we also motivate your child to engage in independent study via our learning hub which helps them build a love of learning English through personalised dashboard and built-in self-evaluation that helps them reflect on their learning journey. An online platform to facilitate learning before and after class, students are given the space to deepen their understanding of English. It improves their grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening skills using engaging high-quality online learning resources designed by experts while class time is more focused on improving their English-speaking skills.

About The British Council in Malaysia

The British Council in Malaysia offers English courses for kids and teens. Students will focus on literature, helping them to grow as passionate readers and build on their written and communication skills through targeted individual and group practices.

Our highly qualified and passionate teachers provide a safe and engaging environment for your child to enjoy learning new concepts and express themselves freely, so they can progress through school with enhanced confidence and enthusiasm.

To find out more about our courses for kids and teens, visit our website or book a free consultation with our friendly consultant.


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