Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Registration for Std 1 for 2024/2025 intake on idme site

Parents doing registration for std 1 2024/2025 intake please proceed to this thread on our FB group for networking and discussion of the registration process.

It's time to register kids for std 1 again, a very exciting time for parents. Below are some information on how to register your child for std 1 for 2024/2025 intake.

Who can register?

Parents with kids born in the following years: (Please read the update on changes below) *

  • 2 Jan 2017 - 1 Jan 2018 (for 2024 intake) now referred to as 2024/2025 intake

  • 2 Jan 2018 - 1 Jan 2019 (for 2025 intake)  now referred to as 2025/2026 intake *note that new changes may take effect as per below mentioned

* Update on changes.  Note that in the past registration has always been for 2 academic years. Recently the academic year has been changed from starting in January to starting in March. In the past, 2024 and 2025 intake refer to 2 academic years. However, now that the academic year starts in March, when you say 2024/2025 intake, you mean one academic year only. ie.

In the past when you say registration is open for 2024/2025 intake it means
2024 intake for those born in 2017
2025 intake for those born in 2018

Now when you say registration is open for 2024/2025 intake it means
2024/2025 intake for those born in 2017

The banner by KPM regarding the postponement of the registration date suggest that this time registration would be for one academic year only ie academic year 2024/2025 for those born in the year 2017. (2 Jan 2017 - 1 Jan 2018)

When to register?

1st March 2023 to 30 April 2023 for both 2024/2025 intake.

* UPDATE: The registration date has been postponed to 1st May 2023 to 30 June 2023.

Where to register?

Registration is to be done online and physically by submitting completed online registration form together with required documents to the school. 

Note that the online registration site has  been moved from 

https://public.moe.gov.my/ (old site)


https://idme.moe.gov.my/login (new site)

If you have previously registered your child for std 1 for 2024 intake in 2022 using the old site, you will need to register again under the new site. Please read the following FAQ on Registration for std 1 2024/2025 intake by the Ministry of Education. 

In a nutshell, if you have registered last year for 2024/2025 intake...
- you have to register again under the new site
- however your info should still be in the new site
- you do not have to physically submit the documents to school again unless you decide to change schools when submitting under the new site.
- results will be out between 1 - 30 October 2023.

Who can register?

Parents or guardians.

How to register?

First you have to register or open a profile under idme website. Read the step by step instructions with pictorial guide on how to open a profile under the following link.


Then read the following link on how to register your child for std 1 2024/2025 intake under the new idme site below.

Manual Daftar Tahun Satu
(Link credit

After online registration, parents are to print out the completed application form and submit to the school you applied for together with the following documents.

  1. Birth Certificate and MyKid Card
  2. Utility bills eg TNB, Water or Electricity Bill
  3. Parents/Guardian's MyKad
  4. Parents/Guardian's Pay Slip
  5. Marriage Certificate or Divorce or Annulment Certificate whichever applies
  6. Vaccination record
  7. OKU card if applicable
  8. Envelope with stamp if required by the school for sending hardcopy of the results
The above is a rough guide of the documents but do check with your registered school and make sure that you have all your documents ready before you set out to school so that you can complete your submission in one visit.

When will the results be out?

Unless there are new developments, the results are usually out around July or August during the year before your child starts school. That means results will be out in July or August 2023 for 2024 intake and July or August 2024 for 2025 intake. Once the results are out, you will have a one month period to make an appeal if you did not get the school you registered for. Results of the appeal will be out around 2 months later.

You may also me interested in the following:
Popular school uniform brands 
Where to download digital textbooks
Where to buy textbooks and workbooks (Note that textbooks are distributed free to all students)

Monday, February 20, 2023

What you need to know about Remove Class or Kelas Peralihan for SJKC and SJKT students

What is TP1 to TP6?

It is that time of the year when students who have completed their primary schoool education will advance to secondary school. There is some anxiety for SJKC or SJKT students as they will find out whether they have to attend Remove Class or Kelas Peralihan.

Remove Class or Kelas Peralihan for SJKC and SJKT students is not something new. It has been around for a long time now. SJKC or SJKT students are required to attend Remove Class or Kelas Peralihan for a year before advancing to Form 1 in secondary school if their Bahasa Malaysia language do not meet the minimum standard.

So what is the minimum standard? In the past, it was a minimum of Grade D in BM paper 1 and BM paper 2 in UPSR. According to the image below from  year 2016, a minimum of Grade D would translate to 50 marks and above. Read our earlier post on Do SJKC and SJKT students need to attend remove class for more information.

What has changed now? This year, ie the academic year 2022/2023 students sat for the UASA (Ujian Akhir Semester Akademik) for the first time. (Read our post on What you need to know about the UASA for details)

Under the UASA, students are assessed according to their mastery level or tahap penguasaan (TP). Below is the TP levels for Bahasa Malaysia for P4 to P6 students.

Referenced image is from: https://www.moe.gov.my/pbs

The minimum level of achievement for advancing to Form 1 is TP3. Those who are at TP1 or TP2 levels are required to attend remove class or kelas peralihan. However, parents may appeal for students to sit for the Bahasa Melayu Assessment Literacy Test (UPLBM). Those failing the UPLBM are required to take a one-year transition class (Kelas Peralihan) to improve their knowledge of Bahasa Melayu before entering secondary school.

Below is the timeline for the appeal for 2023/2024 academic year

19 or 20 March 2023 Register student for remove class or Form 1 at assigned secondary school

22 March 2023 Sit for the Bahasa Melayu Assessment Literacy Test (UPLBM)

28 March 2023 Results of UPLBM *

* Students who pass can advance to Form 1. Students who fail will attend Remove Class.

Refer to details below

Referenceed document is from: https://jpnperak.moe.gov.my/sektor-pengurusan-sekolah/14525-pemakluman-penempatan-murid-sekolah-jenis-kebangsaan-cina-sjkc-dan-sekolah-jenis-kebangsaan-tamil-sjkt-ke-tingkatan-1-dan-kelas-peralihan-di-sekolah-menengah-kebangsaan-bagi-kalendar-akademik-sesi-2023-2024

Knowledge is power. With knowledge of the minimum requirements as above, parents with kids in upper primary SJKC or SJKT can prepare to make sure their children are able to advance directly to Form 1 by ensuring that they meet the minimum requirements.

Friday, February 03, 2023

Five real-world skills students will learn in an English enrichment class for Secondary

This post is brought to you by British Council Malaysia.

The 21st century has seen rapid changes in the way we live, work and connect with others. More than ever, students need to be equipped with the tools to navigate our evolving and, at times, unpredictable world with confidence. That’s why our courses go beyond the syllabus, addressing the fundamentals like grammar and vocabulary, while building a whole body of skills that will set young people up for success.

Here are five of the real-world skills our Secondary courses aim to nurture.


What are leadership skills? Authority? Taking command of a group? The ability to make quick decisions? How about clear communication, collaboration, problem solving and positive influencing? Through a mixture of teamwork and independent tasks, our experienced teachers encourage all students to find their voice, be themselves and build on their natural ability to lead.


To succeed in anything difficult, we all need resilience. From school exams to starting university and applying for jobs, being able to withstand challenges and setbacks is essential. We support our students to embrace the struggle of learning, encouraging them to take pride in and responsibility for their own journey. Becoming an independent learner is what will sustain long-term academic performance and all-round success.

Critical thinking

One of the core skills that will set students apart in any competitive environment is critical thinking. Transference of knowledge is not enough to unlock a young person’s full potential – we want to see young learners approach their studies with intellectual curiosity, inquisitiveness, originality and analysis. Through techniques such as deep reading, we push students to question texts and express themselves with compelling, evidence-based arguments.


Creativity has often been overlooked as a vital skill for academic and workplace success, but universities and employers are increasingly seeking this quality in the most exceptional candidates. Thinking creatively means engaging the whole brain, looking for smart solutions that others may not identify, and approaching challenges with an innovative mindset. Our focus on creativity also helps students to engage more closely with their work, and have fun along the way.

Global mindset

Our Secondary courses place a strong emphasis on helping students build a global mindset. Learning English to a high level will put young learners on the path to a brilliant future. By also fostering intercultural confidence and awareness, as well as an expanded understanding of our world, we hope to see our students grow into assertive, independent global citizens with uncapped aspirations.

About our Secondary Plus courses

The British Council aims to support teens to thrive academically and outside the classroom. Our highly qualified and passionate teachers approach this by focusing on 21st century life skills, in tandem with key exam techniques. Stimulating up-to-date topics are linked to timely world issues, incentivising students to grow their knowledge by seeing the immediate relevance of what they are learning.

Find out more about our English enrichment class for Secondary and other English courses for kids and teens.

About The British Council in Malaysia

The British Council in Malaysia offers a wide range of English classes for young children -including group courses and customised one-to-one courses. Your child will learn more than just language, they will develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, and making connections. Our aim is to nurture our students to become creative thinkers and confident communicators, so that they may thrive both inside and outside of the classroom. To find out more about our courses for kids and teens, visit our website or book a free consultation with our friendly consultant.

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

KF 94 masks from Korea for school and work


KF 94 masks - What does the KF stand for?

The South Korean standard KF94 masks have grown in popularity since the start of the pandemic. Most people are familiar with the design and shape of the KF94 masks by now though some are still unaware of what KF94 actually stand for. 

KF stands for Korean Filter, whereas 94 stands for the filtration efficacy. KF94 masks have an adjustable bridge for a more secure fit over your nose and side flaps to cover your face snugly. The side flaps help close any gaps around the face to limit unfiltered air entry.

There are many KF94 masks available locally now. However, if you are looking for KF94 masks which are manufactured and sold direct from Korea and KFDA approved (KFDA = Korea Food & Drug Administration), you can check out the Biomate KF94 mask.

Where can you buy the Biomate made in Korea KF94 masks?

The Biomate KF94 masks can be purchased direct from Korea and sent to your doorstep from Lady K House. They are suitable for students to use for school and adults to use for work as they are available in basic white and black variants. 

  • The masks are available in 10s, 50s, 100s, 150s and 200s. 
  • The masks are KFDA approved and also Sirim Certified. 
  • It has 4 filter layers and is soft and comfortable. 
  • The masks are individually packed for hygiene and convenience.

Buy Now: Kids Masks/Adult Masks
Use Discount Code mumgatherxoxo for 5% off your purchase together with FREESHIPPING1 for freeshipping on your purchase. Both codes can be used at the same time
(Expiry date for codes is 28 February 2023)

What is the size of the kids Biomate masks?

Buying masks for kids is more challenging than buying masks for adults because kids faces have very different sizes since they are  growing rapidly. It is important to check out the sizes of the kids masks before you purchase.

Know the size

The Biomate KF94 masks is 173 x 70 mm in size. They are suitable for children from age 7 to 12. They are available in white and black making them appropriate and suitable for school or tuition setting.

While it is fun to occasionally have cartoon masks for festive or other occasion, for long term use, it is better to have white masks which do not use any colour or dye.

Inside Biomate KF94 mask factory

Have you ever visited a mask factory? Check out how the Biomate KF94 masks are produced in the cleanest of environments in the following video.

This post was brought to you by Lady K House

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