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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Not Another Parenting Facebook Group For Malaysian Parents?

We have added a new dimension to our umbrella of Facebook groups and no, it is not another parenting Facebook group for Malaysian parents. I think we have enough parenting groups. This group is not about how to parent your kids but it is about taking care of yourself. We can only take care of our family if we take care of ourselves well. Putting yourself first at times, is not being selfish. It is necessary for your own well being. A happy mom or dad leads to a happy family.

Come and join all the other happy mom and dads (errr at the moment just moms cause moms always lead the way) for light hearted banter and fun to lighten our days.

About the group: This is a happy place for us to practice positive thinking and mingle with like minded individuals. A place for us to banter, laugh and exchange ideas on how to take care of ourselves.
In order to take care of our families and that includes not only kids but siblings, parents and grandparents, we must first take care of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves is not being selfish.
We're going to be discussing things like How to get more "me time": What Korean drama to watch now, housekeeping hacks or tools that make our lives easier; relationship tips; losing weight after kids; and anything else about "you" rather than "the kids" including what we do during our spare time, what good series is on TV, where to eat, what to buy, how we feel as stay at home mum or career mum, how to take care of ourselves, household problem or home organization tips,
The main thing is NO RANTING ALLOWED! Let's be happy together.
Join us today on Facebook at Happy Mom Happy Dad

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