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Friday, July 15, 2016

To Pokemon Go Or No - What Should Parents Do?

Image Credit: Pokemon Go website
Pokemon Go has hit the world by storm and parents will be faced with the dilemma of whether to allow their kids to play. Some may even allow it without knowing what the game is all about.

As parents living in the 21st century, I think we should be aware of new games like this and talk about them with our children. Here's some reading material for parents on Pokemon Go.

1. How To Play Pokemon Go (So you understand the game better)
2. Should You Let Your Kids Play Pokemon Go

Here is the Pokemon Go Trailer so you have an idea what the game is all about.

Pokemon Go Related Accidents

There have been reports of highway car crashes, people falling off cliffs, stabbings and other Pokemon Go Accidents due to the new Pokemon Go mania. Why? This is because the game is distracting, addicting and uses geo tracking.

What Parents Should Know
  • The game uses geo tracking so other gamers may know your child's location and use this to lure children to secluded locations
  • The game is based on augmented reality in real life situations. It combines the virtual world and the real world on the screen of your smartphone. While this may be a lot of fun, it is also very distracting because your child has to keep on looking at his phone to spot Pokemon in actual real life locations so he can "catch" the Pokemon characters and train him
  • Your child may be playing with strangers and as he plays he forgets all you have taught him about stranger danger lessons 
  • You will need a data plan to play
What Parents Should Do
  • Educate and inform your child. This is going to be big. It is better that your child hears it from you rather than his friends 
  • You can play together as a family if your child is young
  • For older children, if you choose not to ban the game (banning may be hard given the huge phenomenon it has become immediately after release everywhere in the world), you must teach them how to play safely and set limits for game playing time
Parents be informed. Know what your child is playing and set a good example. Parents playing the game should not be overly engrossed or addicted to it.

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