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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Science Mind Maps For Primary School Standard 4 To Standard 6 UPSR

While doing research for my previous post on the KSSR Standard 5 Science on Survival of Animal Topic, I came across some interesting mind map slides which offer a summary of the entire Standard 4 to Standard 6 Science syllabus. Though this syllabus is for KBSR previously, many topics are more or less the same. This should come in handy for UPSR revision.

I have embedded them here for easy reference.

This one is in English and has 114 pages in all. Excellent summary presented in mind map format for Science for Primary School Level Standard 4 to Standard 6. For UPSR 2015 this Science Mind Map for Year 4 to 6 is still very relevant as the Science paper is still in English and Chinese, BM or Tamil. From 2016 onwards, Science will be in Chinese or BM or Tamil only so you can use this as reference to explain concepts but children must learn the Chinese or other terms.

Peta Minda Sains Tahun 4,5,6 from marziana80

The one below is also a Mind Map or Peta Minda or Carta Minda in Bahasa Malaysia for Science or Sains in Malay presented in Bahasa Malaysia for Sekolah Kebangsaan students for Darjah 4 to Darjah 6.

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