As a parent who sometimes helps her kids with homework or revision, I am constantly searching for good educational content online. I used to be able to find websites and content in English only from International sites but these days I can find lots of local content either in English, Bahasa Malaysia or Chinese Mandarin. With more and more teachers going online to create and present their work, it is not all that hard to find good educational content in the form of presentations, slides, images, sample question papers or work sheets etc.
For the purpose of illustrating the usefulness of the sites below in searching for good local Malaysian Educational Content, I am going to use the search term "Penjodoh Bilangan" to see what the search results yield.
1. YouTube - This is a no brainer. You will find many videos that have been uploaded for all sorts of educational content. Some by students, by parents, teachers and tuition centers. Some show a tutor, some include educational videos or slides. Here's what my search on "penjodoh bilangan" on YouTube yielded in the search results. A nice selection of penjodoh bilangan related short videos for various age groups. You can further customize your search term (example "penjodoh bilangan tahun 5) to get even better results.
2. Google Image Search - Google Image Search is an excellent place to search for good educational local content or just to look at a picture instead of searching for the definition or the meaning of a word. They say a picture says a thousand words. We use it all the time, searching for "lelangit" , "kekisi" etc and many other Malay and Chinese words and instantly our sense or sight is assaulted with the said image we searched for. It is brilliant and excellent to teach a student to use this for his or her studies. Here is the search results for our search for "penjodoh bilangan" on Google Image Search. Here's how to do a Google Image Search. Search on Google as usual and click on the "Images" tab instead of the "web" tab which is the default one. You can do the same if you want to search for "videos" You can type in any search term in any language to find relevant images to help you visualize something.
3. Google Blog Search - Previously there used to be a tab for "Blogs" when you do a google search but its gone now. However, you can still search for "blogs" on a particular topic. Searching for "blogs" will help you find the many blogs set up by teachers. Just type your search term followed by the word "blogs" and click on the "web" tab. You don't even have to click on the "Web" tab as a google online search is automatically set to "web" by default. Here is what my search on "Penjodoh Bilangan Blogs" shows on Google Search. Go ahead and customize your search further for better results.
4. Slideshare - Slideshare is excellent for looking for powerpoint presentation style of slides for any topic including sample test papers and worksheets. Once you find a slide you want, click on it and several other similar slides of the same topic will be suggested for you making it even easier to find the content you want. In the following link, I searched for "penjodoh bilangan" on Slideshare and clicked on one of the search results. Several more are suggested for me on the sidebar. Once you find something you like you can even share it on social media or email or embed it like I just did on this post. I like using Slideshare or Scribd below on our tablet computer. It's like an instant mini presentation to help the kids understand the lesson better.
5. Scribd - Scribd is similar to Slideshare. However I find that the slideshare local content is more comprehensive. Perhaps more teachers prefer to use it. Scribd has some free content but some content is available to subscribers only. Still, you may find some gems that you didn't find on Slideshare or any of the other places I listed above. Here is what I found on Scribd when searching for "Penjodoh Bilangan".
6. Sharetify - Sharetify appears to be the preferred place to share by Chinese teachers since the site is in Chinese. Don't worry if you don't know Chinese, just type your search term in the search box as usual. I couldn't find anything on "Penjodoh Bilangan", however I searched for "Bina Ayat" and found the following on Sharetify. The good thing about Sharetify is it gives you a pdf format link where you can download and print the content you want. Here is a sample.
I hope you find this post useful if you are looking for local Malaysian educational content online for your kids. You can even teach them to search themselves, especially the Google Image search. However, when teaching children to search independently, it is always good to do it with adult supervision so that they don't end up wasting time surfing online or worse, come across inappropriate images and content.
If you like this post, please like and share it. I would also appreciate if you could share some other good places to search for online educational content if you know of one that has not been included here.
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