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Monday, November 14, 2016

Back To School Shopping 2017 For School Uniforms, Shoes, Bags And More

Today is Monday 14 November 2016. The year end school holidays start two weeks from now. Yet, we're writing about Back to school shopping 2017! That's how school life works. We're always one step ahead, planning ahead for school exams, vacations, and back to school of course. Many departmental stores have already started their Back to School 2017 promotions.

Is it too soon to have a Back To School 2017 promotion? We don't think so because previously the school holidays used to be 7-8 weeks. Now it is just 5 weeks. The final 2 weeks are usually either very busy and crowded or you may have your own vacation plans. That leaves you 3 weeks to shop during the school holidays. So now is about a good time to start shopping!

Here we curate and feature some of them to give parents a better idea on where to shop and what sort of brands are available and the sort of prices you can expect for those brands.

Here's what we found on Aeon Big's Website.

Back to School 2017 promotion Dates: 4 Nov 2016 to 2 Jan 2017
School Uniform Brands Sold: Canggih, WHH School, Unggul, U Cemerlang
Prices: Prices start from RM17.90 - RM52.00 for Primary School Uniforms and RM27.90 to RM59.00 for Secondary School  Uniforms
Here's where to download the Back To School 2017 Brochure for full details on deals for school uniforms, school shoes, school bags and other school stationeries:
http://aeonbig.com.my/node/559 (Copy and paste this url on your browser to download)


Aeon on the other hand has a Back To School Promotion called Ready For School Adventure.

Back to School 2017 promotion Dates: 14 Nov 2016 to 2 Jan 2017
School Uniform Brands Sold: Alpha Kids, Canggih, School Classic, K Primary by Kiko
Prices: Prices start from RM13.90 - RM49.00 for Primary School Uniforms and RM18.90 to RM51.90 for Secondary School  Uniforms
Here's where to download the Ready For School 2017 Brochure for full details on deals for school uniforms, school shoes, school bags and other school stationeries:
http://www.aeonretail.com.my/backtoschool/handbill/ (Copy and paste this url on your browser to download)

The following was found at Tesco Store's weekly Catalogue. At the moment there is no dedicated Back To School brochure. We will update this post when we find one.

School Uniform Brands Sold: Signature and Signature Premier
Here's where to download the Brochure below for full details on deals for school uniforms, school shoes, school bags and other school stationeries:
http://www.tesco.com.my/promotions/weekly-catalogue.aspx?ItemID=62 (Copy and paste this url on your browser to download. You will find the following on Page 10-11 of the weekly brochure)

Besides the departmental stores, you will also find school uniforms and other Back to School supplies at specialized stores like The Uniform Shop, Professor, Swan etc.

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