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Friday, April 27, 2007

Moral Lessons: Do Not Accept Gifts or Food from a Stranger

Recently I was trying to teach my girl some moral lessons.

At home........

MG: Do not talk to strangers and do not accept gifts or food from strangers. Strangers are people you don't know. Understand or not?

My Girl: Why?

MG: Because some strangers may be bad people so you don't know if the things or food they give you are bad or not. So don't accept anything from strangers and don't talk to strangers. Also don't open the door for strangers. Blah blah blah...

At the supermarket........

Promoter hands MG a packet of soap powder which MG accepts.

My Girl: Mummy, why did you accept things from that stranger?

MG: *Speechless* (Actually I mumbled something about that was a promoter etc but the answer sounded so lame to me. Later on, I told her she was right to remind mummy not to accept anything from a stranger. Hahaha!)

Tell me, how would you have answered your kid if they asked you that?

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