Here are our origami rabbits made from colourful origami paper
Here are our angpow rabbits made from angpow paper. (All we had to do was open up the angpows and cut them into squares before folding the origami rabbits).
Here is a close-up of the inflatable origami angpow rabbit. The kids love to blow and puff up the rabbit!
Finally, here is our loot of homemade angpow lanterns, angpow rabbits and red angpows clipped together in threes to hang on our plants. We also got red ribbons to tie around the pots to make it look more merry.
Last but most importantly, here is an instruction video on how to fold origami rabbits. The steps are very simple. If you follow the video step by step as we did, you will surely get it right the first time. It is really fun to inflate the bunnies.
We are now all ready to usher in the Year of the Rabbit with our homemade Origami Rabbits made from angpow paper.
Updated: 2012 is Year of the Dragon. Bye Bye Rabbit, Hello to all things Dragon including Decorations.
Updated: 2012 is Year of the Dragon. Bye Bye Rabbit, Hello to all things Dragon including Decorations.