Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, July 31, 2015

Tips For Choosing A Secondary School In Malaysia

This post is for those thinking of selecting public secondary schools, the SMKs and SMJKs. SMK = Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan while SMJK = Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan. 

I have not included the Chinese Independant Schools or Private Schools but those going to these schools can still use the tips on how to choose by visiting the schools. This is the most important thing you can do in your selection. Whichever school you are thinking of sending your child to for his or her secondary school education, you should pay the school a personal visit.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Choosing A Secondary School In Malaysia

If your child is studying in standard 6 and sitting for the UPSR in September, by now you would have received or will be receiving forms to select a secondary school. You may be allowed to choose up to 3 choices from a list of given schools. There may be a separate list for Cluster Schools. The list of schools stated in the form given to you are the feeder schools for your child's current school. These are schools that are usually within the vicinity of your child's current school whose students will be given automatic promotion or acceptance into the secondary school.

Brain Gym In Malaysia

One of the centres we are currently featuring on our website is Achievers Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) which runs the Brain Gym Programme. Since we are not too familiar with Brain Gym, we decided to interview one of its founders Ms Daphne Wong. Here is an excerpt of our interview.

1. Can you tell me how ABCD started?

My long time girlfriend n buddy said to me one day.....Brain Gym works...let's have a centre where more people are aware of this programme and benefit from it since both of us have been using Brain Gym in our personal life, family and friends with so much success.

2. I understand that ABCD runs the Brain Gym programme. Can you tell me more about Brain Gym?

I am a Certified / Licensed Brain Gym(R) Instructor / Consultant. I found this program about 13 years ago when I was searching for help to guide my daughter who was a slow learner with other challenges. Brain Gym is a series of simple movements to get the whole brain working together for an individual to achieve her full potential regardless of age. Of course the younger children need someone to guide them. Brain Gym can be done by anyone, anywhere n anytime. It is a simple exercise with no medication nor any intrusive equipment / technique.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Discover Everyone’s Potential via Dolphiner Therapeutic Art

Guest Post contributed by DolphinerTherapeutic Art currently featured on Mumsgather Finds.

What is Therapeutic Art?
To answer that, let us look at some charts and questions.

Below is a chart for a day in the life of a Malaysian preschooler and primary school student during a weekday.

Currently, the majority of families are a dual-income household (Resources: Asian Social Science; Vol. 9, No. 6; 2013 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

After school, most children are sent straight to a daycare center during the weekday while waiting for their parents to return home from work. In the chart, we can see that children spend 11 hours away from their parents.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

8 Online Interactive Story Book Sites For Kids To Read And Learn

Credit: The Books Clipart I used for my poster is from Cliparts.co
Other icon pictures shown below are from the storybook sites reviewed.

Many of us read stories to our children before they go to bed at night using real story books but what about online stories? Do we spend time reading online stories to our children? Reading online interactive story books together with your child can be a fun experience. The best way for a child to enjoy online storybooks is together with the parent. Don't let online stories or apps become convenient baby sitters. Let them be a time for bonding, learning and teaching. Here are 8 great online sites which have amazing stories to listen and watch with your child.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Where To Make And Print Personalized Labels Online For Free

One of the things that a parent of a school going child needs to do is to label, label, label. There are many ways to create a label. You can buy plain stickers and write on them. You can buy stickers with your child's name personalized from a sticker booth, store or online shop. You can write on pieces of papers, write your child's name and stick them on with double sided tape.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Free App For Learning Mandarin Chinese For Kids And Adults Too

My kids are studying in Chinese school but I don't know Chinese. In order to keep up with them, sometimes I study from their textbooks and workbooks in order to "teach" them. I also look out for apps and tools to help me in my quest to learn Chinese on my own.

I was delighted when I found this app. It is called ChineseSkill and available for download on Android as well as the iOS devices including the iPhone and iPad. If you have both, they will synchronize so you can use one or the other while learning. You can use the iPad at home and continue with the iPhone on the go.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Std 1 2016 School Placement Decision And Confirmation

Std 1 2016 School Placement Decision And Confirmation

It is that time of the year when parents whose kids are about to enter our Malaysian public schools for the first time are feeling jittery and nervous, waiting anxiously for the results of the school placement for Std 1.

By now, those who are in Selangor may have checked and received the results of the Std 1 2016 school placement decision. Did you get the school that you selected? If you have not done so yet, those in Selangor can go online to check here: Cari Keputusan Penempatan by JPN Selangor's "Sistem Pengurusan Murid Tahun 1 Online". This is the updated link. Some may have gone to the old link which no longer works. (More jitters!)

For those in KL and other states, you will receive a letter from the school soon. If not, you can always call up the school to get the latest updates.

Updated: A member of our FB group shared the link for checking for Wilayah Persekutuan. You can  try checking using that link to see if you can find out the results of your school application.

So what happens next?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Step By Step Tutorial On How To Order Groceries From Happy Fresh

Hello there busy parents,

Our main website is currently featuring Happy Fresh - a professional shopper for groceries who shops and delivers groceries to you in as little as one hour. Now you don't have to go through traffic jams or dash out with your baby and toddler in tow when you run out of sauces and supplies while you  are cooking.

Here's how it works. This tutorial is for parents who are using the discount code from our website. To get access to the discount code, go to the "OFFERS" tab and sign up as a member of Mumsgather Finds.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

10 Things I Wish They Told Me Before My Kid Started Primary School

If you enjoyed and found this article useful, please be sure to Like Us. Thank you.

10 Things I Wish They Told Me Before My Child Started Primary School
10 Things I Wish They Told Me Before My Child Started Primary School

1. I'm going to be making lots of new friends. Yup. This one I didn't know. I didn't know that I would approach so many parents saying "Hi, is your girl in my son's class? May I have your number? How about we create a parents whatsapp group for homework?" Sometimes I was the one approached. (P.S. networking is very important to make sure your child is in the loop.)

2. I'm going to be filling in lots of forms and receiving notifications from school for all sorts of programs, extra curricular activities and donations.... I even received forms informing me that "your child has been selected to attend this special workshop because......" I soon learned that my child was not the only one selected. About 40 other of his classmates were!

Music Lessons For Autistic Children

One of the fun things about running a site like Mumsgather Finds is you get to know a lot of very interesting people, all of whom are passionate about something in their lives. Today, I would like to talk about one of them. She is a piano teacher who has a few years experience giving piano lessons to autistic children. She has a Facebook page called the Autistic Piano Teaching Diary where she documents her journey in learning and teaching kids with special needs.

Browsing through her FB page, I can see that she keeps herself updated by attending courses, reading a lot, and trying out  various techniques to help her students. She shares them freely too on her FB page and on YouTube. For example, she made these cute chord charts to help her students recognize and learn the music chords easily.

A good teacher is one who is passionate and one who never stops learning. Her passion is to keep trying new methods that suits the children's learning way.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Fairy Tales, Paper Dolls And Sticker Books For Girls

Besides dolls, what else can you buy a little girl? Why books of course. With this in mind, I went book hunting with one of the sponsors on our website. Littlebookz. You can read more about Littlebookz on our main site

I discovered that they have many lovely books for girls among their best seller list. I am just going to highlight 3 of them. Here they are:

3 Books You Can Buy For Little Girls As A Gift

1. The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb

This is a beautiful story about a little girl and her five paper dolls. The string of paper dolls go on a fantastic adventure through the house, into the garden escaping the clutches of a toy dinosaur and the snapping jaws of the oven-glove crocodile along the way. They were also threatened by a real pair of scissors during their adventure. This book is beautifully illustrated by Rebecca Cobb and written by Julia Donaldson, author of The Gruffalo.

You can make a string of paper dolls together with your girl after you read this book or before, so you can play with the paper dolls while reading. Here's how to make a paper doll chain.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Transition From SJKC To SMK or SMJK

Today I received an email from a reader. She wanted to know a few things about transition from SJKC to SMK. I'm just going to share our Q & A here. Hope it helps anyone else who has these questions in their mind too. 

Q) As your child studied in a Chinese school, did you send him/her for extra BM classes during the year-end holidays to ease her transition into a Malay-medium school?

A) No. I don't think it is necessary to send for extra BM classes during the year end holidays. It is more important to make sure the child has a good BM foundation all throughout the SJKC years.

Q) How did he/she cope / adjust / adapt to the new environment during the first two months? Did she experience any "culture shock" at the start and how did she overcome it?

Learning Chinese As A Second Language For Kids

There are many English speaking families who send their kids to Chinese schools or plan to do so. There are also families which plan to send their kids to Kebangsaan school but they realize the importance of learning Chinese as a second language so they choose to learn either on their own or through a tuition center. Commitment and follow through is required to learn Chinese on your own. Finding the right programme and learning materials is also important.

5 Tips To Help Your Child Learn Chinese As A Second Language

  1. Start early. This is especially important if you are planning to send your child to Chinese School
  2. Find a good programme or center for learning Chinese. If you do not speak Chinese at home, this is important to introduce your child to the language
  3. Exposure. Expose your child to Chinese using various media. Conversations. Cartoons. Books. Music.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Best Book Sets For Kids

Book Sets, Chapter Books Or Books In A Series are excellent ways to get reluctant readers to read. This is because there is continuity in the stories, building up not only in terms of vocabulary introduced but also in some cases a continuing storyline. Some chapter book sets include books that have a continuing storyline. However most are stand alone books, that can be read on their own but with common characters in them.

My Discount Books, an online book retailer which is currently featured on our main site gives us some good recommendations on some book sets you can get to encourage a reluctant reader to read.

Based on their recommendations,

Here are the Best Book Sets For Kids

1. Usborne 100 Book Sets

My First Reading Library includes 100 books in its collection. The books are suitable for kids aged 3+. The 100 books in this collection allows children to gradually take over a greater share of the reading, building their confidence all the time. 

You should encourage your reluctant reader by making reading a fun activity. Pick a time when you are both relaxed, sit your child on your lap and read together pointing to the words as you go along. Make it a bonding time where your child will enjoy and equate with good times. You will create a lifelong love in books and reading while having a good time  with your child.

This box set includes:

My First Reading Library – 50 books (green)
22 books - Usborne Very First Reading range
12 books - level 1
16 books - level 2
Usborne My Reading Library - 50 Books (red)
14 books - level 3
16 books - level 4
20 books - Usborne Young Reading Series One

2. Roald Dahl Book Set – 15 books

This is another excellent addition to a child's library. Roald Dahl receives a lot of good reviews in goodreads.com. They are suitable for kids from 8+. 

The way Roald Dahl writes is really appealing to kids. His stories are extremely creative and can take you anywhere in the world of imagination the way books should. 

This set of storybooks should take your child away from their video games, ipads, iphones and other gadgets. Let's get children away from gadgets and back to books.

Titles in this collection include:

Going Solo
The Giraffe And The Pelly And Me
George's Marvellous Medicine
Fantastic Mr Fox
The Magic Finger
Esio Trot
Boy Tales Of Childhood
Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator
The Witches
The Twits
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
James And The Giant Peach
Danny The Champion Of The World

3. Richard Scarry Book Set - 10 Books

Richard Scarry's books have been delighting children for generations with their detailed pictures showing the goings-on in a very busy town. These books are good for children aged 3+. Kids will love poring over the bright pictures and endless details and discovering that the longer they look at each one, the more crazy and comic incidents they will spot.

Books with lots of graphics like this is a great way to introduce or convert a reluctant reader to a book worm. You can  look at the pictures together and have fun talking about them. This is especially good if your child is a visual person.

Titles in this set include.

Great Big Mystery Book
Great Big Schoolhouse
Best Word Book Ever
What Do People Do All Day?
Cars and Trucks and Things That Go?
Funniest Storybook Ever
Planes and Rockets and Things That Fly
Busiest People Ever
Best First Book Ever

Best Counting Book

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

How To Teach Kids To Respect Themselves And Their Peers And Prevent Bullying Through Massage

Mumsgather Finds aims to bring you expert advice from service providers featured on our site. Today's advice is on How To Teach Kids To Respect Themselves And Their Peers And Prevent Bullying Through Massage. Through Massage? But how do you do that? That was the first thought when I first found out about this programme from our expert service provider Jashpreet Kaur. 

Jashpreet is the founder of Baby Massage With Love. She is also a Massage In Schools Programme (MISP) Instructor. Just what exactly is MISP?

According to Jashpreet, the MISP aims to teach kids to respect themselves and their peers and prevent bullying through massage. It is a worldwide and internationally recognized certified programme for teachers and parents. Now it is available in Malaysia.

Kids are taught to massage and through it learn:
  • What is healthy and what may be unhealthy touching
  • Learn to say "No" when they don't feel like being touched
  • Learn to ask a friend for permission even if they would like to hold their friends hands in the canteen, playground or anywhere else
  • Learn to respect someone who says "No"
  • Learn to express gratitude and say thanks to their peers
Massage demonstrates the power of positive touch rather than pushing and shoving around. In these days when children spend a lot of time in schools, it is important to teach them the right ways to interact. It is important for kids to learn to respect themselves and others and in that manner reduce bullying in schools.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

What is S.A.M. Maths?

Recently there was an article in Star Online about SAM Maths. There are so many programmes that are being offered for each subject, that it is impossible to know about each and every one of them. Parents are spoiled for choice (or confused by too many selections) when it comes to choosing programmes for their children.

This post is is to answer questions about SAM Maths in particular.

What Is SAM Maths?

The acronym S.A.M. stands for Seriously Addictive Mathematics. It is actually an enrichment programme from Singapore that was developed for preschool and primary school students from age 4-12. The curriculum is modeled after the Singapore Maths programme, which is one of the most recognized programme in the world and is taught in many countries across U.S.A., Europe and Asia.

Why Singapore Maths?

Maths is a complex subject to understand. Why we are so behind other countries in Math studies? We are 52nd out of 65 countries in PISA. Our children are not lacking of maths in school, tuition, enrichment programs, mental arithmetics, olympiad maths etc but why we are far from Singapore kids? That is why now many parents prefer to opt to send kids for a maths programme like SAM maths which is modeled after the Singapore Maths programme.

Who Is SAM Maths Suitable For?

SAM Maths is suitable for kids currently studying the local KSSR syllabus in national schools as well as private and international schools. This is because of its approach in using HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills). Kids are taught the concepts, the 'what' and 'why' of math processes. Students are given visual tools to understand math concepts so they can apply critical and logical thinking to help them solve mathematical problems. This type of learning is life long rather than merely to answer examination questions.

Where Can I Get More Information About SAM Maths?

If you stay in or around Ara Damansara, you're in luck. You can drop by on Saturdays during July 2015 where SAM Maths, Ara Damansara is having a Hari Raya Open House all through this month. Besides getting more of your questions answered about SAM Maths, you can get a free math assessment for your child as well as a lucky dip. Go to our main website page for more details about SAM Maths, Ara Damansara and their SAM Maths Open Day.

Exploring Options In Private Or International Schools In Malaysia

More and more parents in Malaysia are seriously considering Private or International Schools as an option for schooling their kids. However, before you even consider this option, you must do some research.

Questions You Must Ask Yourself And The Private Or International Schools

  • What is the difference between a private and international school - Besides the cost, there may be other differences for example you may have a private school doing the Malaysian syllabus (SPM) or a private school doing an international syllabus 
  • Are there any entry requirements - Newer schools may not have it because they may want to raise their intake. Some other schools may have entry examinations so you need to find out when these are and what are the requirements and when (before the semester starts or anytime of the year)
  • What syllabus do the schools offer - Local or International. If international, what syllabus?
  • When does the new intake begin - For example international syllabus schools may have their intakes in Sept whereas private schools doing a local syllabus may have intakes in January. 
  • Are there any hidden costs - Besides the annual school fees, what about book fees, extra curricular fees etc
  • How may teachers do they have - Where are the teachers from. Local or international. You may want to know whether the teachers stay or whether there is a high movement in and out
  • Is transport provided or can it be arranged easily - especially if the school is far from your home

There are many other questions you should ask but these are a few basic and important ones that you need to know to do some planning. Some parents may opt to go to private or international schools starting from primary school, in which case you then need to ask about preschools and whether there is auto transfer from preschool to the private school so you won't need to sit for entrance examinations. Some parents plan for their kids to attend SJKC or SK for 5 years and then switch to Year 7 (equivalent to Form 1) in September or January (depending on whether you choose a local or international syllabus) skipping the UPSR altogether. Some prefer their kids to do 6 years in SJKC, then go straight to Year 8 (equivalent to Form 2).

So you see, there are many things to consider and research is very important. Visiting a private and international school fair is the best way to find out some of these things easily and quickly to facilitate your planning. You can then do a comparison on the schools, cost, distance, syllabus and more.

For your information, there is going to be a 6th Private and International School Fair on 7 - 8 November 2015 at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre from 11 am to 6 pm. You can check out the details on our main website. If you are planning to go to the fair, here are some tips to make the most of your visit.

Tips To Get The Most Out Of Visiting Fairs And Exhibitions
  1. Go early first thing in the morning before the crowd comes in (these fairs can be really crowded) or register before hand if you can. At the start of the day, the exhibitors are more relaxed and you may get your chance to ask your 101 questions and get answers from them more readily.
  2. Head straight for the layout map, mark and go straight to the exhibitors (schools) you wish to find out more about. Don't be distracted along the way. For others, collect whatever brochures they have to offer. You can go home and have a look and compare them later
  3. If you are going with young kids, make sure you hold onto their hands (make sure you are holding the right hand!). Kids may wonder and get lost in the crowd
  4. Find out if there is going to be a talk. (Usually talks are given and some of them provide a lot of useful information for your research) If there is one that you would like to attend, you may have to go during that time instead to avoid having to hang around for a long time or missing the talk
  5. Go prepared with your questions so you ask the right questions and get the best answers. You don't want to go home and say "I should have asked that question when I got the chance" Of course you can take a name card and call up again later but it is not the same as face to face conversation
  6. Do not be afraid to ask questions - Even if you think your questions are trivial, do not be afraid to ask them. That is what the exhibitors are for and they will be more than ready to answer any questions you have.

Monday, July 06, 2015

Why We Should Develop Both Sides Of The Brain Hemispheres In Kids

Children At Work Using The JELIC multiple intelligence puzzle boxes.
It consists of 450 learning boxes with over 3000 multiple intelligence games! 
The Left Brain And The Right Brain

If you are a left brain person, you are more logical and analytical. The left brain is responsible for language ability, math and planning.

If you are a right brain person, you are more creative. The right brain is responsible for imagination, fantasies, dreams and emotional responses.

Do you know which part of the brain your child uses more? In conventional education in schools, quite often programmes of learning are focussed on the left hemisphere while the right hemisphere is neglected.

I spoke to Jane Lim of Sunshine Thinkers and she told me that it is equally important to develop both sides of the brain hemispheres in children. This is because the human brain works best when both sides of the brain are well-developed. Children's full potential can be harnessed by cultivating and developing both sides of their brains.

Developing both sides of the brain hemispheres help kids to...

  1. Sharpen their observation skills
  2. Improve manipulation and fine motor skills
  3. Enhance curiosity for discovery
  4. Build up self confidence
  5. Develop good people skills
That is why she has a programme at Sunshine Thinkers called JELIC. JELIC, an educational programme for 3-5 year olds, has a comprehensive curriculum based on hands-on experiences with various types of manipulatives to enhance children's capacity for procedural and creative thinking. 

If you have any enquiries about this programme, do leave a comment in the comment box. 

Friday, July 03, 2015

10 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Young Children Learn To Swim

Swimming Class at Erika Peres Swimming Academy
With our new website http://www.mumsgatherfinds.com officially launch, we hope to bring you expert advice from participating service providers on this blog which is now part of our new site. Today, we are interviewing Erika Peres who runs Erika Peres Swimming Academy to find out her expert opinion on this topic - 10 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Young Children Learn To Swim

10 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Young Children 
Learn To Swim

1. Join your babies during swimming sessions because it is a joyous bonding time for parents and babies.

2. The optimum time for baby to stay in the water is 30 minutes as they will be restless after that. The younger the child, the shorter the time span.

3. Kids who become exposed to water at a young age become less fearful of water. So start them young. We have babies as young as 6 months old for our Water Babies Programme

4. Make sure baby eats at least 2 hours before swimming and they should be offered a snack after swimming because swimming makes babies hungry. 5. Do not expect your child to be able to swim soon after they are introduced to the water. Every child is different. 

6. Listen to your child and do not pressure them till they are ready.

7. If your child looks like he or she is not enjoying the water, do not give up!

8. Do not compare your child with others.

9. Don't worry or fuss if your child accidentally slips or swallows water as this is a learning process. Just lift your child up gently and put on your best smile. Praise and encourage them for trying. 

10. Give your child some time and let him/her develop his confidence, very soon he/she will be able to enjoy the wonderful experience of being in the water.

This article was contributed by Erika Peres 
Erika Peres Swimming Academy

Thursday, July 02, 2015

How To Bring Out A Shy Child Through Singing

Do you have a very shy child? Perhaps you are wondering how to draw out your child's best personality by getting him or her to open up.

One of the ways you can do that is by encouraging your child to sing. You don't need to have any special skills or instruments to sing. Your voice is the most natural instrument for most. You may have noticed how your toddler takes to learning song and rhyme. Did you notice how your kids pick up a tune even way before learning how to read and write? 

Debra Abraham, principal and founder of Rockstarz Performing Arts Studio has this to say.

"Lots of shy kids just need nurturing and a non-critical environment. Although singing pitch is important, it can be a challenge for very young kids between 3-5 years old. What they need is a chance to showcase their enthusiasm and be given encouragement for their boldness to stand in front of a crowd just singing their lungs out. 

Lots of shy kids open up through singing. Singing is very therapeutic for everyone  young and old. It allows people to express the joy, insecurities, sadness etc of their very souls. There is a feeling of connectedness as your voice truly comes from within your physical body and does not need to be transferred onto a man made instrument for it to "speak".

It encourages an acceptance of oneself as everyone has a different voice, a different timbre, a different vocal range and yet each voice type is able to communicate expression - a message to a listener.

Did you know that a very shy, reserved and withdrawn student started singing - wrote about her issues, placed it in songs, produced an album and eventually won a singing competition in Australia. 

Another student who is autistic has improved her diction, communication skills and is on a journey to take up singing as her vocation."

Such is the power of singing!

To recap on what Debra has said, here's

How To Bring Out A Shy Child Through Singing.
  1. Provide them with a non-critical environment. Do not laugh or make fun of them when they are singing
  2. Give them a chance to showcase their enthusiasm. Let them sing their lungs out. Then slowly encourage them to do so in front of a crowd
  3. Encourage your child to express their feelings through singing whether it is sadness, anger, joy or insecurities. Singing is healing, therapeutic and most important of all fun
So if you have a shy child, a singing class just might be what it takes to bring get them to open up in a fun, non-threatening environment.

This article was contributed by Debra Abraham, principal and founder of Rockstarz Performing Arts Studio. Debra is a vocal instructor and also the founder of Rockstarz. She is passionate in teaching the performance arts to kids, teens and even adults. Her youngest student is 3. She hopes that she can help bring out the confidence in kids and teens through creative expression. 

Here is a video of some children enjoying their lessons at Rockstarz. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Mumsgather Finds - A One Stop Center For Parents In Malaysia To Find Service Providers


We're officially launching today. Welcome to our new website - Mumsgather Finds
With Effect From Today, This Parenting Blog Is Now Part Of A Website - Mumsgather Finds Which Aims To Be A One Stop Center For Parents Searching For Service Providers.

Hello Parents, in particular parents who have been following this blog and  the Malaysian Primary And Secondary School Parents on Facebook members. In my continuous effort to bring more benefits to us parents I am now starting a new website.

We're officially launching our new website today!

We've been hard at work getting our new website up and running for your convenience. We've tried our best to get everything looking pretty good there. However, there may be some odds and ends to clean up so if anything looks out of sorts, please bear with us.

Why are we having this new website?

After more than 2 years administrating the Parenting group on FB which now number over 10,400 members, I realize that we busy parents are always searching for enrichment classes, tuition, school holiday programmes, back to school promotion and other events and offers related to parenting our school going kids.

That is why we have started this new website called Mumsgather Finds. The tagline or this site is "Helping Malaysian Parents Find Service Providers." The idea is to make it easier for us to search for service providers visually at a glance, all in one page. At the moment, we have categories like "Enrichment Classes", "Tuition Centers", "Events" and "Offers" etc. We plan to build on this and make exciting additions. The vision is to make the website a one-stop centre for all the things that could be important to us and our children.

Mumsgather Finds - Helping Malaysian Parents Find Service Providers
Mumsgather Finds - Helping Malaysian Parents Find Service Providers
You may noticed that I have linked this Parenting Times Blog to the new website so that more parents can enjoy the Parenting Articles that I have been writing and will continue to post. Going forward, we could be expanding our blog categories to cover "Parents Reviews" on service providers and "Expert Tips" from participating service providers.

I also hope to get good discounts and offers specially for our FB group members from the service providers featured on the website.

Last but not least, to make this succeed, I will very much need to have your support!

So, please SubscribeLike us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram, Follow Us On Twitter, or Follow Us on Google plus to get the latest updates. Just choose which you prefer or do all. Thank you for being so supportive and for your wonderful sharing in the group and here.

If you have been following this blog and is puzzled by the new look, please note that we are now part of the website called Mumsgather Finds as explained above. I hope you will continue to follow this blog because nothing has changed. In fact, this blog will now be improved with more parenting tips and articles for you. Thank you for following me throughout these years. 

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