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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

What is S.A.M. Maths?

Recently there was an article in Star Online about SAM Maths. There are so many programmes that are being offered for each subject, that it is impossible to know about each and every one of them. Parents are spoiled for choice (or confused by too many selections) when it comes to choosing programmes for their children.

This post is is to answer questions about SAM Maths in particular.

What Is SAM Maths?

The acronym S.A.M. stands for Seriously Addictive Mathematics. It is actually an enrichment programme from Singapore that was developed for preschool and primary school students from age 4-12. The curriculum is modeled after the Singapore Maths programme, which is one of the most recognized programme in the world and is taught in many countries across U.S.A., Europe and Asia.

Why Singapore Maths?

Maths is a complex subject to understand. Why we are so behind other countries in Math studies? We are 52nd out of 65 countries in PISA. Our children are not lacking of maths in school, tuition, enrichment programs, mental arithmetics, olympiad maths etc but why we are far from Singapore kids? That is why now many parents prefer to opt to send kids for a maths programme like SAM maths which is modeled after the Singapore Maths programme.

Who Is SAM Maths Suitable For?

SAM Maths is suitable for kids currently studying the local KSSR syllabus in national schools as well as private and international schools. This is because of its approach in using HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills). Kids are taught the concepts, the 'what' and 'why' of math processes. Students are given visual tools to understand math concepts so they can apply critical and logical thinking to help them solve mathematical problems. This type of learning is life long rather than merely to answer examination questions.

Where Can I Get More Information About SAM Maths?

If you stay in or around Ara Damansara, you're in luck. You can drop by on Saturdays during July 2015 where SAM Maths, Ara Damansara is having a Hari Raya Open House all through this month. Besides getting more of your questions answered about SAM Maths, you can get a free math assessment for your child as well as a lucky dip. Go to our main website page for more details about SAM Maths, Ara Damansara and their SAM Maths Open Day.

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