It is that time of the year again. The time for registration of students for primary school. This time it is for the school sessions in 2017 and 2018.
Some kind parents have shared the notices they received from schools on the documents required and time frame. For those in our Facebook Parenting Group - The Malaysia Primary And Secondary Parents On Facebook, please note that we have posted these notices under the album called "Registration For Standard One Notices From Schools." You can go to the album to view the notices from various schools as shared by parents.
The notices are mostly in Chinese or Bahasa Malaysia. Here is a translated to English version of the documents required for registering for primary school as stated in the notices. What has been shared so far are for schools in Wilayah Persekutuan so that is what will be shared here.
Time Frame for registration: 1 Mac 2016 to 29 Apr 2016 (all start on 1 Mac but please double check the end dates with your school)
Time: School Office Hours (Usually Mon to Fri and hours may differ from school to school)
For Whom: Children born between 2/1/2010-1/1/2011 (For 2017 Intake)
Children born between 2/1/2011-1/1/2012 (For 2018 Intake)
Documents Required:
- Original Birth Certificate
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Utility Bills (Electric/Telekom/Water/Quit Rent/Assessment Bills) under parents/guardian's name to verify residential address - Original and photocopy
- Photostated copy of parents/guardian's I/C
- Copy or siblings birth certificate (if studying at the same school)
- Self addressed envelope 4.5" x 9.5" White with RM0.80 stamp affixed. (amount of stamp required may be stated differently for different schools)
Notes: Quit Rent/Assessment Bills = Bil Cukai Tanah/Bil Cukai Pintu
Some schools may not state item 5 & 6 but it is always good to have them. The self addressed envelope is for the school to inform you of your registration status some time around August 2016 for 2017 intake or August 2017 for 2018 intake.
The above documents are required for walk in to school registration for schools in Wilayah Persekutuan. For Selangor and Putrajaya, please refer to our earlier post on Registration for Standard One for 2017 & 2018 for Schools In Selangor And Putrajaya which require online registration before handing in documents to school.
This is only a rough guide and actual dates and time etc may differ from school to school. Please refer to your school's notice.
Related Post:
FAQ on Registration For Primary Schools In Malaysia
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