Eye Level Malaysia

Monday, February 15, 2016

Special Offer At Gakken Math Classroom

Hi there parents,

Remember we shared with you the free science experiment trial classes at Gakken Classroom Kelana Jaya.

Good news for you! You have another 2 weeks to redeem a month's worth of free science classes.

Free Science Experiment Trial Class
More Information About The Science Experiment Class
Gakken Classroom conducts science and math classes for children from 4 to 12 years old.

Today, we would like to share with you another offer by Gakken Classroom Malaysia. This time it is by Gakken Math Classroom. Your child can try the math classes for a month at 50% off. That means you only pay RM80 for 4 classes, a value for money offer.

The math classes focus on logical thinking through self learning. Children are encouraged and motivated to learn on their own. First they are taught the skills, then they are coached to apply them in real life.

To find out more about the Gakken Math classes, visit Gakken Math Classroom website and click on the links as shown below or call 017-727 9228 to book a month's trial classes for your child.

To find out more about Gakken Math Classes, go to the website and click on the links shown for more information
Example of the primary school math materials from Gakken Math Classroom

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