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Thursday, June 16, 2016

5 Malaysian Parenting Facebook Groups To Follow

There are many parenting groups on Facebook. Anyone can start a group. However, if you wish to keep abreast with parenting and educational news and network with other like minded parents, here are 5 Malaysian Parenting Facebook Groups we recommend you follow:

1. The Parenting Network

This is the group to go to if you have little ones at home from babies to toddlers to preschoolers. You will get lots of support from this group of parents with young children at home. The admin is easy going, friendly and does a diligent job of making sure his members are genuine parents. The group description reads as follows:

"This group is for everyone who supports good parenting. So if you are 1 or you are going to be parents soon, feel free to pour your thoughts and share your experiences here."

That's why we start off by talking about this group. Those who have little kids at home will feel at home here but even those with older kids are welcome too.

Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 4807 members
Date Established: June 2013

2. The Malaysia Primary and Secondary Parents on Facebook group.

This is our Facebook group. Our group is part of our network of website, 12 year old blog and other social media. All parents with kids studying in primary and secondary schools in Malaysia are welcome to join our group. We also have many parents with kids in kindergartens and preschools in our group as they prepare to network and learn as much as possible before their children start primary schools. The parents in our group are very generous with sharing of ideas. As founder and admin of the group, I like to run exclusive contests, promotions and offers for the benefit of our group members.

This is part of our group description:

"This Facebook Group is primarily for parents with school going children. Those with kids in nursery and kindy can also join. This Group is a platform for healthy discussion on parenting issues especially those related to schooling and education. Whether your child is home schooled, in SJKC, SK or Private School, it does not matter, we will post and learn from one another. You can also ask for homework help. We can also de stress during exam time by sharing here so we don't feel so alone."

Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 15001 members
Date Established: June 2013

We also have a sister group called the Malaysian Primary and Secondary School Parents Market. This group was set up to allow parents to trade in kids, education and school related stuff. All trading is channeled to this group to keep our main group focused on discussion.

Sister Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 3494 members
Date Established : May 2015

This group lives up to its name of being a support group for parents with children studying in International Schools. The MISPSG description states that

"The main objectives of Malaysia International Schools Parents Support Group (MISPSG) Facebook group are to provide peer support among parents with interest in international education / school and 21st-century learning; to increase networking among parents who have children attending international school in Malaysia; to increase awareness of the expected standards from international schools in Malaysia; and to share resources so parents can better support their children's learning experience."

The founder and admin runs the group professionally. She has also been invited to speak at several parenting talks during International or Private school trade fairs.

Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 14,514
Date Established: June 2012

This group was set up to help parents get ready for the new format UPSR which commences in 2016. The group description states:

"This group is created specially for UPSR 2016 candidates, parents & teachers."

However, in just a short time, this group has grown to be more than that. It now provides support and help for many parents with children in upper primary school with the focus on preparing for UPSR. The many parents and teachers in the group provide relevant advice and support for each other. The main admin is also a well known food blogger. She created the group with two of her best friends and is supported by a team of dedicated parents in providing support for members.

Group Status: Public Group
Number of Members to date: 15,065
Date Established: November 2015

Parenting is Heart Work is the place to go for motivation and inspiration. The group admin gives a daily dose of inspirational messages that warm the heart. The group is described as follows:

"A place to inspire, share and encourage parents in their journey of parenthood."

True to this, the admin provides a daily dose of inspiration for parents. She is an experienced admin who has helped run other Facebook groups before this one.

Group Status: Public Group
Number of Members To Date: 1864
Date Established: December 2014

Definitions: Closed Group means Anyone can ask to join or be added or invited by a member
Public Group means Anyone can join or be added or invited by a member

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