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Monday, April 04, 2005

I Can Clap!

Baby has just learned how to put his hands together and clap! The look on his face is priceless. When daddy, mummy and toddler clap along to encourage him, his look was full of glee and he bounced up and down on his bottom clapping non-stop. Though he can't talk yet, his look was saying "Look at me! I'm so smart! I Can Clap!" I could tell he was very proud of his new achievement.

Toddler on the other hand is still at her negative phase. Previously she learned to say just the word "No!" Now it has advanced to "No, I don't like this." This sentence applies to just about everything including food, clothing, activities.... (*rolls eyes*). She says this even to things that were previously her favourites just for the sake of showing her new identity!

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