Eye Level Malaysia

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Innocence and Simplemindedness of a Child

Conversation with toddler in the toilet.

MG: "After going to toilet, we must flush and wash our hands."

Toddler: "Mummy, I want to do." (Toddler wanted to flush the toilet)

Toddler: (*press press press* on the lever which was rather hard for her and a little bit "rosak" (not working properly))

MG: "Come, let mummy help you." (*press press press* the flush a few times before it worked)

Toddler: "Mummy, got no battery." (referring to the flush)

Can you tell we have a lot of toys that run on batteries at home? Thats why we have rechargeable batteries. Otherwise, bankrupt liao!

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