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Friday, March 25, 2011

He wants to make a lot of money

Last night we were reading a story about a famous artist in China... about how he observed nature and practised very hard and eventually managed to paint and sell many beautiful lifelike paintings.

"Mummy, I don't think I want to become an artist. It is too hard. I don't think I can do it. I like to play computer games too much. I think I want to become a computerler.

Daddy, who makes more money, a pilot or a builder? A builder? Oh, in that case I want to be a builder. I will build the tallest buildings in the world and make a lot of money!

I don't think I want to become a diamond person (miner) anymore. I want to make a lot of money from diamonds but this is too hard. I have to go through adventures and the caves are scary."

Sounds like I have a boy who wants to make a lot of money but does not want to work very hard for it. Haha.

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