Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Homemade Teacher's Day Gift

Teacher's Day is round the corner. We have been so busy with so many other things. In addition, the kids were having their end of term tests. Suddenly, panic! Teacher's Day is in the same week. What shall we do?

Homemade Teacher's Day Gift

We went to the bookshop and grabbed some cute Teacher theme post it notes for Teacher. However, they look so impersonal and worse still, cheap! What shall we do?

Homemade Teacher's Day Gift

Let's look in our craft cupboard and see what we've got. Ok, we've got string, beads, ruler, scissors, a cute punch out snowflake thingy, colored papers, glue. I think that should be good enough to make a last minute Teacher's Day Gift.

Homemade Teacher's Day Gift

We made a bookmark for Teacher's Day this year. All we did was cut colored paper using craft scissors, then we pasted the soft colored paper into the harder one. We wanted to use our cute craft puncher to punch a cute hole at the top but it didn't work out because the card was too hard so we used a normal punch instead. Finally, we stringed in some cute glass beads to give the bookmark a little bit of bling bling.

Homemade Teacher's Day Gift

Ah, let's see. We have some transparent paper and some shiny gold ribbon in our craft cupboard. We can wrap the bookmark together with the post it notes for Teacher

Homemade Teacher's Day Gift

Tadaa! We have a last minute Teacher's Day Gift for Teacher. Not as creative as some of the other amazing moms in my next post but hey, it's the thought that counts right?

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