Eye Level Malaysia

Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Importance Of Play

Stride to Ride Lion by Fisher Price
These days I often see many children hunched over some device, totally engrossed in it, while the parents dine peacefully. It never used to be like this but with digital and portable devices like portable dvds, games on iPhones and iPads or other Android Tablet computers, it would seem as though we have forgotten how to play with our children.

Perhaps we have not forgotten but rather, it is easier to let the children play with the interactive device, games and stories instead of interacting with our children ourselves. For those of you who are interested to learn to play again with your kids, you may be interested to know that there will be a workshop on The Power Of Interactive Play brought back to you by popular demand.

The workshop is brought to you by Fisher Price. It will be conducted by child development expert; Ms. Carrie Lupoli, Founder of Live & Learn (Singapore). 

Here are the details of the workshop. The workshop will be held on 16th June, 2012. 17th June, 2012 is Father's Day. I think that is very timely for Fathers to learn to play with their kids again. Mothers too. Just nice for a family outing. You'll receive RM100 worth of door gifts when you participate.

Those interested can contact 03-7803 5310/012-292 1378 or email admin@mamababyworld.com.

The Power of “Interactive” Play Parenting Workshop:
Date:  16th June 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 10.00am – 1.30pm
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Empire Hotel Subang,
                   Jalan SS 16/1, Ss 16, 47500 Selangor.

Entrance Fee: RM60 per person plus over RM100 worth of goodies.

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